Unable to Add Comments After Confluence Upgrade


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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


After Confluence upgrade (issue has been noticed in upgrade past Confluence version 5.6.x and above), users are not able to add comments to any Confluence page with an Unknown macro: {voting-user-threshold} error message displayed above the comment field.

Sample screenshot of a Confluence page is shown below:


Check if there are any customisations applied in your Confluence instance by logging in with Admin user and following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Confluence Admin >> Layouts to check if there're any customised layouts configured in your instance.
  2. Next,  check for any custom CSS applied in your Confluence by navigating to Confluence Admin >> Stylesheet page. 
  3. Once you've done this, access Confluence Admin >> Themes page and check if you're using any custom themes in your Confluence instance.
  4. Lastly, check if there're any Custom HTML in your Confluence instance by accessing the Confluence Admin >> Custom HTML page.


Following the steps above, you'd noticed that there's customised Comments Layout applied in your Confluence instance.

Looking closely at the Comments Layout script, it looks like there are some integration with a third-party plugin - Content Voting macro by Adaptavist in the script itself which had caused this issue.

Please refer to the script snippet below:

	        #if ($commentActionSection == 'primary')
   #end		            <li >$action.helper.renderConfluenceMacro("{content-voting-controls:id=$commentId}")</li>
     #end		            </h2>
            <a title="$i18n.getText('comments.show.hide')" href="#" 
## Happens when you try to edit a comment that doesn't exist		               class="comments-show-hide icon #if($action.commentsShowing)comments-showing icon-section-opened#else icon-section-closed#end">
     #if ($action.editComment && !$action.comment)		                $i18n.getText("comments.show.hide")
         #applyDecorator ("message")		            </a>
             #decoratorParam("type" "error")		            $action.helper.renderConfluenceMacro("{voting-user-threshold}")
             $action.getText("comment.edit.not.found")		        </div>
         #end		    #end


To resolve this issue please remove the customised Comments Layout by doing the following:

  1. Navigate through Confluence Administration page >> Layouts.
  2. Then, click on Reset Default for Comments Layout under Contents Layout section.

Please make a backup of your customisations first before resetting it because any customisations will be deleted once the default Comments Layout have been reset.

However, if you'd like to remove all customisations applied in your Confluence instance, please refer to the steps outlined in How Do I Clear Customisations from Confluence? KB article.

最終更新日: 2022 年 1 月 26 日


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