Team Calendars Timeline view not showing Jira Issues Start and End Date Correctly
プラットフォームについて: Cloud および Data Center - この記事はクラウドと Data Center 両方のプラットフォームに等しく適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
When Confluence has Application Link established with a Jira, the Jira Issues can be added to Team Calendars for Confluence as Events to track the progress. When adding Jira Issues to the Team Calendars as Events, a Date Range of Start and End date can be selected to show in the calendar as events.
If the length of the Jira Issue Events is not displaying correctly only for certain issues such as the screenshot below, refer to the diagnosis section to see if you are affected by the wrong setting.
Note that the Events above are showing their length according to the Issue Title instead of the Start and End Date that is set.
- Confluence has application link established with Jira
- With a very specific setting to the Jira Issues as Events. The Team Calendar's Timeline view will not be displayed correctly within the Date Range:
- Either of the Start or End date format is set to a Date Time Picker instead of a Date Picker
- The length between the Start and End date is within 2 days or lesser
- The format that is a Date Time Picker has set to 12.00AM.
Diagnostic Steps
Check the Format of the Start and End date and see if anyone of them is being set as Date Time Picker as they can be Custom Field coming from Jira. If they meet all the criteria mentioned above, the events will have small lines leading to the actual date where they supposed to be.
This can be very confusing and hard to notice if there are more event types in the same view.
Edit the Custom Field in Jira and make sure they are using Date Picker instead.