プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
Sometimes you may need to know how active your user base is, whom, and how many users logged in to Confluence during a specific time frame.
Using the queries below you can get the last logon times, successful login times and failed login times of users within a group.
- Please note that this will show info for all users on that group except the super-user 'admin'
- To show the info for all groups within your Confluence change the
g.group_name = <group_name>
tog.group_name is not null
Confluence 6.x, 7.x, 8.x
The below query will return a list of users who last logged in or unsuccessfully tried to log in to Confluence on the timeframe interval you define. You will require access to run queries on Confluence database to extract these values.
Replace <group-name>
with a specific group name, i.e. 'confluence-users'
Left Joining last_login_date will return users who have never logged in as having last_login=NULL
WITH last_login_date AS
(SELECT user_id
, to_timestamp(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user_attribute cua
WHERE cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
SELECT c.user_name
, c.lower_user_name
, c.email_address
, c.display_name
, c.last_name
, g.group_name
, l.last_login
FROM cwd_user c
INNER JOIN last_login_date l ON (c.id = l.user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_membership m ON (c.id = m.child_user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_group g ON (m.parent_id = g.id)
WHERE g.group_name = '<group-name>'
ORDER BY last_login DESC;
Make sure to edit the timezone in the query as per your timezone. You can find the value of your timezones in https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B13866_04/webconf.904/b10877/timezone.htm
select cu.user_name
, cu.lower_user_name
, cu.email_address
, cu.display_name
, cu.last_name
, (timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT' +
numtodsinterval(cua.attribute_value/1000, 'SECOND'))
at time zone 'Asia/Calcutta' as lastAuthenticated
FROM CONF.cwd_user cu left join CONF.cwd_user_attribute cua on cu.id = cua.user_id and cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
order by lastAuthenticated DESC
select cu.user_name
, cu.lower_user_name
, cu.email_address
, cu.display_name
, cu.last_name
, cua.attribute_value
, FROM_UNIXTIME(cua.attribute_value/1000) as lastAuthenticated
FROM cwd_user cu left join cwd_user_attribute cua on cu.id = cua.user_id and cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
order by lastAuthenticated desc
select cu.user_name
, cu.lower_user_name
, cu.email_address
, cu.display_name
, cu.last_name
, cua.attribute_value
,DATEADD(SS,CAST(cua.attribute_value as bigint)/1000,'19700101') as lastAuthenticated
FROM cwd_user cu left join cwd_user_attribute cua on cu.id = cua.user_id and cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated';
Below query will return a list of users who last successfully logged in to Confluence on the timeframe interval you define.
Replace '<group-name>' with a group name, i.e. 'confluence-users'
WITH last_login_date AS
(SELECT user_id
, to_timestamp(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user_attribute cua
WHERE cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
SELECT c.user_name
, c.lower_user_name
, c.email_address
, c.display_name
, c.last_name
, g.group_name
, li.successdate
FROM cwd_user c
INNER JOIN last_login_date l ON (c.id = l.user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_membership m ON (c.id = m.child_user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_group g ON (m.parent_id = g.id)
INNER JOIN user_mapping um ON (c.user_name = um.username)
INNER JOIN logininfo li ON (um.user_key = li.username)
WHERE g.group_name LIKE '<group-name>'
ORDER BY successdate DESC;
WITH last_login_date AS
(SELECT user_id
, FROM_UNIXTIME(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user_attribute cua
WHERE cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
AND FROM_UNIXTIME(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) < (CURRENT_DATE))
SELECT c.user_name
, c.lower_user_name
, c.email_address
, c.display_name
, c.last_name
, g.group_name
, li.successdate
FROM cwd_user c
INNER JOIN last_login_date l ON (c.id = l.user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_membership m ON (c.id = m.child_user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_group g ON (m.parent_id = g.id)
INNER JOIN user_mapping um ON (c.user_name = um.username)
INNER JOIN logininfo li ON (um.user_key = li.username)
WHERE g.group_name LIKE '<group-name>'
ORDER BY successdate DESC;
Below query will return a list of users who last failed to log in to Confluence on the timeframe interval you define.
Replace '<group-name>' with a group name, i.e. 'confluence-users'
WITH last_login_date AS
(SELECT user_id
, to_timestamp(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user_attribute cua
WHERE cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
SELECT c.user_name
, c.lower_user_name
, c.email_address
, c.display_name
, c.last_name
, g.group_name
, li.faileddate
FROM cwd_user c
INNER JOIN last_login_date l ON (c.id = l.user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_membership m ON (c.id = m.child_user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_group g ON (m.parent_id = g.id)
INNER JOIN user_mapping um ON (c.user_name = um.username)
INNER JOIN logininfo li ON (um.user_key = li.username)
WHERE g.group_name LIKE '<group-name>' AND
li.faileddate IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY faileddate DESC;
WITH last_login_date AS
(SELECT user_id
, FROM_UNIXTIME(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user_attribute cua
WHERE cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
AND FROM_UNIXTIME(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) < (CURRENT_DATE))
SELECT c.user_name
, c.lower_user_name
, c.email_address
, c.display_name
, c.last_name
, g.group_name
, li.faileddate
FROM cwd_user c
INNER JOIN last_login_date l ON (c.id = l.user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_membership m ON (c.id = m.child_user_id)
INNER JOIN cwd_group g ON (m.parent_id = g.id)
INNER JOIN user_mapping um ON (c.user_name = um.username)
INNER JOIN logininfo li ON (um.user_key = li.username)
WHERE g.group_name LIKE '<group-name>' AND
li.faileddate IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY faileddate DESC;
Users Counting Towards License (including those who have never logged in)
The below query will return a list of users who count towards the license and their last login. Users who have never logged in will have a last_login of NULL
Tested on PostgreSQL
WITH last_login_date AS
(SELECT user_id
, to_timestamp(CAST(cua.attribute_value AS double precision)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user_attribute cua
WHERE cua.attribute_name = 'lastAuthenticated'
SELECT DISTINCT u.display_name, u.lower_user_name, u.email_address, d.directory_name, l.last_login
FROM cwd_user u
LEFT JOIN last_login_date l ON (u.id = l.user_id)
JOIN cwd_membership m ON u.id = child_user_id
JOIN cwd_group g ON m.parent_id = g.id
JOIN cwd_directory d on u.directory_id = d.id
WHERE sp.PERMTYPE='USECONFLUENCE' AND u.active = 'T' AND d.active = 'T'
ORDER BY d.directory_name;
Users Counting Towards License and there last login date.
The below query will return a list of Licensed users who count towards the license and their last login date.
Tested on PostgreSQL
cu.lower_user_name AS "User name"
,cu.display_name AS "Display name"
,li.successdate::timestamp(0) AS "Last login date"
,cu.lower_email_address AS "e-mail address"
,cu.created_date::timestamp(0) AS "Account created"
,cd.directory_name AS "Directory"
FROM cwd_user cu
JOIN user_mapping um ON um.username = cu.user_name
JOIN cwd_membership cm ON cu.id = child_user_id
JOIN cwd_group cg ON cm.parent_id = cg.id
JOIN cwd_directory cd on cu.directory_id = cd.id
FULL JOIN logininfo li on li.username = um.user_key
AND cu.active = 'T'
AND cd.active = 'T'
ORDER BY "Last login date" DESC NULLS LAST;
Confluence で非アクティブなユーザーを特定する方法