How to create a Confluence support zip via command line


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


Confluence の web インターフェイスで UI が適切に動作しておらず、サポート zip の生成や取得が困難である場合、Confluence またはシステム管理者は、Confluence ノードが実行されているサーバーにログインし、ログおよび構成ファイルを手動で取得する必要があります。このソリューションはこのようなプロセスを促進するため、ログ/データ検索を自動化し、サポート zip が提供している構造と同じものを利用したパッケージ化などのメリットを提供します。


The solution runs in Linux based Operating System with:

  • /bin/bash

  • zip や gzip のアプリケーション

To run in Windows the OS might have:

  • Powershell

It's also required by the system administrator:

  • Being familiar with the Operating System command line interface.

  • Recognize the Jira Home and Jira Application folders.
  • Recognize and have read permission on Confluence Home and Confluence Application folders (recommended root/Administrator or the Jira user if using Linux).

(warning) Attention when using Confluence Data Center with multiple nodes, the script shall be run in each node separately.








# ./ -h
Usage: ./ [-h <Confluence home path>] [-a <Confluence app path>] -t
          -h: obligatory, absolute path of Confluence home directory
          -a: obligatory, absolute path of Confluence application directory
          -t: optional, to run and collect thread dumps

The file will be placed at <confluence-home>/export.


# ./ -h /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence-home -a /opt/atlassian/confluence/atlassian-confluence-7.13.4

        __          ------------------------------------------
 _(\    |@@|        | Beep - Generating Atlassian Support Zip  |
(__/\__ \--/ __    /_------------------------------------------
   \___|----|  |   __
       \ }{ /\ )_ / _\
       /\__/\ \__O (__
      (--/\--)    \__/
      _)(  )(_

# Atlassian support zip tool #
User = confluence
Confluence Home = /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence-home
Confluence App Directory = /opt/atlassian/confluence/atlassian-confluence-7.13.4

Hit CTRL+C (10s wait) if any path or user is incorrect.

 - Packing application logs
cp: /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence-home/logs/support is a directory (not copied).
 - Packing application config files
 - Packing configuration summary, if any available
 - Packing the last directoryConfigurationSummary available.
 - Packing seraph and crowd configuration files
 - Packing confluence customisations files
cp: /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence-home/logs/support/customHtml.txt}: No such file or directory
cp: /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence-home/logs/support/customStylesheet.txt}: No such file or directory
 - Packing custom layouts files
 - Packing synchrony configuration file
 - Packing cache configuration files
cp: / No such file or directory
 - Packing tomcat configuration files
 - Packing healthcheckResults, if any available
 - Packing Tomcat logs
 - Packing the application.xml, if any available
 - Thread dump will not be collected

Creating zip file...

The support zip file can be found in /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence-home/export/, please upload this file to Atlassian.
Have a g'day =) 

Zip ファイルの構造 (テスト環境の例。ご利用の環境では異なる可能性があります)

├── application-config
│   ├──
│   ├── confluence.cfg.xml
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── setclasspath-bat.txt
│   ├── setclasspath-sh.txt
│   ├── setenv-bat.txt
│   ├── setenv-sh.txt
│   ├── shutdown-bat.txt
│   ├── shutdown-sh.txt
│   ├── start-confluence-bat.txt
│   ├── start-confluence-sh.txt
│   ├── startup-bat.txt
│   ├── startup-sh.txt
│   ├── stop-confluence-bat.txt
│   ├── stop-confluence-sh.txt
│   └── web.xml
├── application-logs
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-index.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-index.log.1
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-jmx.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-outgoing-mail.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-profiler.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-security.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence-sql.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence.log
│   ├── atlassian-confluence.log.1
│   ├── atlassian-confluence.log.2
│   ├── atlassian-confluence.log.3
│   ├── atlassian-confluence.log.4
│   ├── atlassian-confluence.log.5
│   ├── atlassian-diagnostics.log
│   ├── atlassian-synchrony.log
│   └── atlassian-synchrony.log.1
├── application-properties
│   └── application.xml
├── auth-cfg
│   ├── May-16.directoryConfigurationSummary.txt
│   ├──
│   ├── seraph-config.xml
│   └── seraph-paths.xml
├── cache-cfg
├── confluence-customisations
│   └── layouts
│       ├── Space FirsSpace customised layout - decorators-main.vmd
│       ├── Space FirsSpace customised layout - decorators-page.vmd
│       ├── Space FirsSpace customised layout - decorators-space.vmd
│       └── customLayouts.txt
├── healthchecks
│   └── healthcheckResults.txt
├── synchrony-config
│   └──
├── thread-dump
├── tomcat-config
│   ├── catalina.policy
│   ├──
│   ├── context.xml
│   ├── jaspic-providers.xml
│   ├──
│   ├── server.xml
│   ├── tomcat-users.xml
│   └── web.xml
└── tomcat-logs
    ├── atlassian-synchrony-proxy.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-01.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-04.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-05.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-06.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-07.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-09.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-11.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-17.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-18.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-25.log
    ├── catalina.2022-04-29.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-02.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-04.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-05.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-06.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-07.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-11.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-16.log
    ├── catalina.2022-05-18.log
    ├── catalina.out
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-19.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-20.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-21.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-22.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-23.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-24.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-25.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-04-29.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-02.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-03.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-04.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-05.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-06.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-07.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-08.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-09.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-10.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-11.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-12.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-13.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-14.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-15.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-16.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-17.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-18.log
    ├── conf_access_log.2022-05-19.log
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_14-54-55.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_15-00-44.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_15-28-07.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_15-41-19.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_15-46-34.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_16-06-19.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-01_16-12-43.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-04_16-25-35.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-04_16-32-47.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-04_16-47-57.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-09_22-25-36.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-17_12-27-43.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-25_15-09-12.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-25_15-34-24.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-25_15-44-24.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-25_17-34-47.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-29_14-19-27.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-04-29_14-53-42.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-05-02_13-49-00.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-05-02_14-06-16.log.0.current
    ├── gc-2022-05-16_12-05-26.log.0.current
    ├── host-manager.2022-04-01.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-04-04.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-04-09.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-04-17.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-04-25.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-04-29.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-05-02.log
    ├── host-manager.2022-05-16.log
    ├── localhost.2022-04-01.log
    ├── localhost.2022-04-04.log
    ├── localhost.2022-04-09.log
    ├── localhost.2022-04-17.log
    ├── localhost.2022-04-25.log
    ├── localhost.2022-04-29.log
    ├── localhost.2022-05-02.log
    ├── localhost.2022-05-16.log
    ├── manager.2022-04-01.log
    ├── manager.2022-04-04.log
    ├── manager.2022-04-09.log
    ├── manager.2022-04-17.log
    ├── manager.2022-04-25.log
    ├── manager.2022-04-29.log
    ├── manager.2022-05-02.log
    ├── manager.2022-05-16.log
    └── synchrony-proxy-watchdog.log




File: connie-supportzip.ps1


The basic script shall be run as follows:

./connie-supportzip.ps1 [-h <confluence home path>] [-a <confluence app path>]

With details:

Usage: .\connie-supportzip.ps1 [-h <confluence home path>] [-a <confluence app path>]
          -h: obligatory, absolute path of confluence home directory
          -a: obligatory, absolute path of confluence application directory


Below you may find an example of running the script with Windows and paths:

  • Node home folder (-h) "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\Confluence", and

  • Application folder (-a) "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Confluence"

The final command shall be (using Powershell):

  .\connie_support_zip.ps1 -h "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\Confluence" -a "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Confluence"

With details:

 C:\> .\connie_support_zip.ps1 -h "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\Confluence" -a "C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Confluence"

        __          ------------------------------------------
 _(\    |@@|        | Beep - Generating Atlassian Support Zip  |
(__/\__ \--/ __    /_------------------------------------------
   \___|----|  |   __
       \ }{ /\ )_ / _\
       /\__/\ \__O (__
      (--/\--)    \__/
      _)(  )(_
# Atlassian support zip tool #
Confluence Home = C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\Confluence
Confluence App = C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Confluence
Current user = ec2amaz-55f3hb0\administrator
Hit CTRL+C (10s wait) if any path or user is incorrect.
 - Creating basic structure
 - Packing application logs
 - Packing application config files
 - Packing application config files
 - Packing configuration summary, if any available
 - Packing the last directoryConfigurationSummary available.
 - Packing confluence customisations files
 - Packing custom layouts files
 - Packing synchrony configuration file
 - Packing tomcat configuration files
 - Packing healthcheck results, if any available
 - Packing all Tomcat logs
 - Packing access logs
 - Packing the application.xml, if any available
 - Coppying last available application.xml
Creating zip file...
The support zip file can be found in C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\Confluence/export/, please upload this file to Atlassian.
Have a g'day =)

For both Linux and Windows the generated  <confluence-home>/export .


  • このソリューションは UI のサポート zip を代替するものではありません。
  • Username and passwords are sanitized in confluence.cfg.xml,  directoryConfigurationSummary (directories) and server.xml/tomcat-users.xml (tomcat configuration) when using Linux, for Windows it is still in progress.

最終更新日: 2024 年 12 月 19 日


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