Extra false Text Displayed in the Footer of Some Pages
After upgrading Confluence from 3+, the text "false" appears in the bottom of the footer page.
This only happens in IE browsers, and only when you are viewing Space Directory, Dashboard, People Directory, user search, and all tabs under user profile.
In Confluence 3+, there were some issues with the confluence.advanced.macro-fanxy-box.js,
in which it could not properly display image lightbox popups in IE browsers
Customized HTML was added in Confluence to resolve the issue, but it was no longer needed after Confluence 4.0. See CONF-22292 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Sample Custom HTML would look like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/download/attachments/123456789/confluence.macros.advanced_fancy-box-fix.js"></script>
- Remove Custom HTML from Confluence
Custom HTML may appear anywhere within the BODY
最終更新日: 2016 年 2 月 26 日
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