Part 0 - Clover in 10 minutes
Make sure that <clover_installation_dir>/lib/clover.license
file exists next to clover.jar
file and contains a valid license.
Welcome to the Clover-for-Ant 10 minutes tutorial. This document will show you how to quickly get Clover reports for sample project.
In this tutorial we will generate Clover HTML report for Money library provided in the tutorial/src
Generating report
The process of generating report contains few phases, configured to be executed with single Ant command for the purpose of this tutorial:
- Compiling project (and instrumenting its source code with Clover statements).
- Running unit tests (and gathering code coverage).
- Generating code coverage report.
Running Ant command
To generate report, use the command ant -f build_quick.xml
Output should be similar to the following:
$ ant -f build_quick.xml
Buildfile: .../tutorial/build_quick.xml
[mkdir] Created dir: .../tutorial/lib
[get] Getting:
[get] To: .../tutorial/lib/junit-4.12.jar
[clover-setup] Clover Version 4.1.0, built on ...
[clover-setup] Loaded from: .../lib/clover.jar
[clover-setup] Clover: Site License registered to ...
[clover-setup] Clover is enabled with initstring '.../tutorial/build/clover/db/clover.db'
[mkdir] Created dir: .../tutorial/build/classes
[javac] Compiling 3 source files to .../tutorial/build/classes
[clover] Clover Version 4.1.0, built on ...
[clover] Loaded from: .../lib/clover.jar
[clover] Clover: Site License registered to ...
[clover] Creating new database at '.../tutorial/build/clover/db/clover.db'.
[clover] Processing files at 1.8 source level.
[clover] Clover all over. Instrumented 3 files (1 package).
[clover] Elapsed time = 0.091 secs. (32.967 files/sec, 3,142.857 srclines/sec)
[mkdir] Created dir: .../tutorial/build/testclasses
[javac] Compiling 2 source files to .../tutorial/build/testclasses
[clover] Clover Version 4.1.0, built on October 28 2015 (build-dev)
[clover] Loaded from: .../lib/clover.jar
[clover] Clover: Site License registered to ...
[clover] Updating existing database at '.../tutorial/build/clover/db/clover.db'.
[clover] Processing files at 1.8 source level.
[clover] Clover all over. Instrumented 2 files (1 package).
[clover] 23 test methods detected.
[clover] Elapsed time = 0.041 secs. (48.78 files/sec, 4,682.927 srclines/sec)
[mkdir] Created dir: .../tutorial/build/testresults
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 22, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.072 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests taking too long? Try Clover's test optimization.
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.063 sec
[clover-html-report] Clover Version 4.1.0, built on ...
[clover-html-report] Loaded from: .../lib/clover.jar
[clover-html-report] Clover: Site License registered to ...
[clover-html-report] Loading coverage database from: '.../tutorial/build/clover/db/clover.db'
[clover-html-report] Writing HTML report to '.../tutorial/build/clover_html'
[clover-html-report] Done. Processed 1 packages in 1089ms (1089ms per package).
This shows that the java source files have been compiled and instrumented, tests have been executed and Clover report generated.
Opening report
You can now view the report by opening the file tutorial/build/clover_html/index.html in a web browser. See 'Current' Report for details about interpreting this coverage report.
Uncovering details
If you want to understand what happened under the hood and how to customize and adjust the process of getting reports, please continue with Part 1 - Measuring Coverage