Restore CLI with local storage

This documentation is for an Early Access Program (EAP) release of the Backup CLI for Jira and Confluence Cloud. This release isn't intended for production environments, it's for testing purposes only.

We're not enrolling any new customers to this EAP. 

 For any questions contact Atlassian support

What is the Restore CLI?

The Restore CLI (command-line interface) is an application that you can use to restore a copy of your Confluence or Jira Cloud product data that had been generated from the Backup CLI. It enables you to restore your data in the event of accidental deletion, or if you need to restore data for audit and compliance purposes. Learn about Backup CLI

What data will be restored

You can restore a complete copy of your Confluence or Jira Cloud data, or you can select what data to restore. It can include:


Backup contents


  • Users and group data - users, groups

  • Space data - user-generated content such as pages, comments, and attachments

  • Confluence global data - such as templates


  • Users and group data - users, groups

  • Project data - user generated content such as issues, descriptions, comments, and attachments

What happens during a restore?

During a restore, the Restore CLI uploads users and groups data, space data, Confluence global data for Confluence, and Jira project data for Jira. When we upload space data we upload with HTTPs to secure your data.

Setup the CLI 

Before you can start restoring, you need to set up the CLI. The same CLI is used for both backup and restore. 

To set up your CLI:

  1. Download the Restore CLI from

  2. Configure your system. The Restore CLI jar requires JRE 11 to run. Download JRE 11 and install it.

  3. Prepare your firewall. The CLI needs to connect to a specific set of Atlassian domains to restore Confluence or Jira. The restore can fail if these are blocked by a firewall or reverse proxy. Before you begin restoring, make sure security rules do not block these domains:

Use the CLI to restore Confluence and Jira

Once you’ve setup the CLI, you need to connect your product to the CLI, then you can start restoring.

To interact with the Restore CLI application, you need to use your operating system’s CLI. Learn more about using Command Line Interface

Connect your product to the CLI

You don’t need to connect to the CLI every time you restore. The CLI will remember the connection details for 40 days, after which you’ll need to connect again.

You must be a site admin to connect a product to the CLI.

To connect Confluence or Jira:

  1. Open your operating system’s CLI.

  2. Navigate to the folder containing the Restore CLI and run:

    java -jar buc.jar product connect 
  3. From the output, copy the Restore CLI URL.

  4. Switch to your browser, and select Connect a product. This will open automatically.

  5. Paste the Restore CLI URL.

  6. Follow the remaining instructions.

If Connect a product doesn’t open automatically, check the Restore CLI output. It should include a URL that you can use to open it directly.

Once you’ve connected your product, switch back to the Restore CLI.

Restore your backup

When you trigger a new restore, the CLI checks first if there is a restore in progress. If there is, the CLI resumes that restore. If there isn't, it asks whether to start a new restore, and you need to answer with y or N

When entering the command to start restoring a backup, you need to include the <product>, which is either Confluence or Jira. You also need to include the <product name> of your Confluence or Jira. You can find this name by looking at its URL. For example, if the URL is, your product name is “myteam”.

To start a new restore using the jar, run:

java -jar buc.jar restore start --name=<product name> --product=<product> --source=<path of backup folder you want to restore>

After the restore is finished, you’ll see a summary. This will include details about the restore, including how long it took and whether any data was skipped.

What happens if any data is skipped when the restore is complete?

At the end of restore the CLI displays the restore status, which shows that everything has been restored successfully or what data or spaces were skipped, as well as the number of failed attachment uploads.

✓ Restore finished   

Restore summary
Projects              Restored successfully
Product               Jira
Name                  mpt-test-nkumarsinha-testrestore-1
Restore ID            f49921a2-d86f-41e3-a657-6633a5a79ead
Started               Feb 23, 2023 8:21 p.m.
Finished              Feb 23, 2023 8:54 p.m.
Total time            00 hours 32 minutes

Failed Attachments Statistics
Failed attachments    2

Restore CLI commands for Confluence and Jira

You need to add a prefix when entering these commands.  Add the following before the command: java -jar buc.jar

In the following commands <product> is either Confluence or Jira, and <product name> is the name in your Confluence or Jira URL. For example, if the URL is, your product name is “myteam”.




Displays a list of commands for use in the CLI


Displays the Restore CLI version.

product connect

Adds your product to the CLI so it can be restored.

product disconnect --name=<product name> --product=<product>

Removes your product from the CLI.

product list

Displays a list of all products that are connected to the CLI. You can use this command to check that your product is connected to the CLI, or to get the name of your Confluence to start a restore.

restore start --name=<product name> --product=<product> --source=<Path of backup folder>

Starts a new restore.

restore start --name=<product name> --product=<product> --source=<Path of backup folder> --include=<list of spaces>

restore start --name=<product name> --product=<product> --source=<Path of backup folder> --exclude=<list of spaces> --skipdatarestore=<set of skip options>

For selective spaces restore, you can either use the --include option to list spaces (space keys) you want to restore or you can use --exclude to list spaces you want to exclude from restore (all spaces other than --exclude will be restored in this case).

e.g.: --include=space1,space2,space3...

The CLI includes an option to skip restore of certain data pieces, namely, the user data and/or global configuration data. Specify either both or none of them, depending on the requirement.

e.g.: --skipdatarestore=Users,GlobalData

Note : During users and groups restore

  • if restored group already exists in the destination site, it will be ignored. All the new groups will be migrated (together with permissions).

最終更新日 2023 年 11 月 13 日


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