Git push operations extremely slow on Windows


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Push operations in Windows environments take above 20 seconds (minutes) to be completed:

[33391ms] - "POST /scm/TEST/foo.git/git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1"
  [203ms] - Bitbucket ServerUser com.atlassian.bitbucket.user.UserService.authenticate(String,String,CaptchaResponse)
    [0ms] - InternalBitbucket ServerUser com.atlassian.bitbucket.internal.user.Bitbucket ServerUserDao.findByName(String)
    [0ms] - void com.atlassian.bitbucket.internal.user.RepositoryAccessDao.trimToFirstPage(InternalBitbucket ServerUser,int,Predicate)
      [0ms] - boolean com.atlassian.bitbucket.user.PermissionService.hasRepositoryPermission(Bitbucket ServerUser,Repository,Permission)
        [0ms] - boolean com.atlassian.bitbucket.internal.user.GrantedPermissionDao.isGrantedToUser(UserPermissionSearchCriteria)
      [0ms] - boolean com.atlassian.bitbucket.user.PermissionService.hasRepositoryPermission(Bitbucket ServerUser,Repository,Permission)


Running Bitbucket Server as a user (either via Windows service or not) that is part of the Administrator group causes Windows to spend a lot of time running permission checks.


If you installed Bitbucket Server as a service using the installer as described on Getting started, you shouldn't be seeing this issue when it is run as a service. A user atlbitbucket is created and responsible for running Bitbucket Server. This user is not a member of the Administrator group. Please refer to Run the Bitbucket installer for more details on the atlbitbucket user.


Resolution option 1 (recommended) - Reinstall Bitbucket Server as a local user

In order to change the Bitbucket Server user, the following procedure is the preferred option:

  • Stop the current Bitbucket Server instance
  • Install a new Bitbucket Server on the windows server by using the installer
    • Select a new installation directory
    • Select the existing home directory
  • Bitbucket Server is now up and running with the expected Windows user details

Resolution option 2 - Microsoft hotfix

If Bitbucket Server cannot be run as a non-administrator user, apply this hotfix

最終更新日: 2017 年 1 月 16 日


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