Get started with Bitbucket Data Center and Server
- What is Atlassian Home?
- What is an Atlassian team?
- What is an Atlassian account?
- Create an Atlassian account
- Understand Atlassian Guard
- Bitbucket Cloud Support residency
- Make Atlassian's global account model work for you
- What is an Atlassian organization?
- Update your profile and visibility settings
- Understand Atlassian sites and organizations
If you're just starting out with Bitbucket Data Center and Server, then this is the place for you. Come with us on a journey to discover all that Bitbucket has to offer using our Teams in Space scenario.
Before you continue, make sure you've installed Bitbucket Server already.
Teams in Space
このセクションの各チュートリアルでは、「Team In Space」という架空の組織を使用します。 彼らのミッションは次のとおりです。
フライトの調査とテクノロジーとの連携により、先端の宇宙航空技術を変革します。 また、2020 年までに人類が火星に上陸します。"
あなたは火星の今後の植民地化に取り組んでいる "See Space EZ" チームに所属している宇宙飛行士です。
Jump into a tutorial when you're ready:
Work with Bitbucket and SourceTree |
More to come! |
最終更新日 2022 年 11 月 8 日
- What is Atlassian Home?
- What is an Atlassian team?
- What is an Atlassian account?
- Create an Atlassian account
- Understand Atlassian Guard
- Bitbucket Cloud Support residency
- Make Atlassian's global account model work for you
- What is an Atlassian organization?
- Update your profile and visibility settings
- Understand Atlassian sites and organizations
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