Bitbucket の監査ログ イベント
Global configuration and administration coverage area
Global administration category
ベース | Instance setup completed (ApplicationSetupEvent) System backup cancelled (BackupCanceledEvent) System backup failed (BackupFailedEvent) System backup started (BackupStartedEvent) System backup succeeded (BackupSucceededEvent) Base URL changed (BaseUrlChangedEvent) Server name changed (DisplayNameChangedEvent) Elasticsearch settings changed (ElasticsearchConfigurationChangeAuditEvent) Elasticsearch full sync started (ElasticsearchFullSynchronisationAuditEvent) HTTP access to SCM hosting changed (HttpScmHostingChangedEvent) Product license changed (LicenseChangedEvent) Mail server changed (MailHostConfigurationChangedEvent) Database migration failed (MigrationFailedEvent) Database migration started (MigrationStartedEvent) Database migration succeeded (MigrationSucceededEvent) Database migration cancelled (MigrationCanceledEvent) Mirror disabled (MirrorDisabledEvent) Mirror enabled (MirrorEnabledEvent) Mirroring request rejected (MirroringRequestRejectedEvent) Mirroring request accepted (MirroringRequestAcceptedEvent) Mirroring request received (MirroringRequestCreatedEvent) Mirror installed (MirrorInstalledEvent) Mirror uninstalled (MirrorUninstalledEvent) Server email address changed (ServerEmailAddressChangedEvent) Server time zone changed (ServerTimeZoneChangedEvent) Resource throttled (TicketRejectedEvent) |
Advanced | Default rate limiting settings changed (DefaultRateLimitSettingsModifiedEvent) |
大 | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
Apps category
ベース | Plugin disabled (PluginDisabledEvent) Plugin enabled (PluginEnabledEvent) Plugin uninstalled (PluginUninstalledEvent) Plugin upgraded (PluginUpgradedEvent) |
Advanced | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
大 | Plugin container unavailable (PluginContainerUnavailableEvent) Plugin module disabled (PluginModuleDisabledEvent) Plugin module enabled (PluginModuleEnabledEvent) Plugin module available (PluginModuleAvailableEvent) Plugin module unavailable (PluginModuleUnavailableEvent) Plugin framework started (PluginFrameworkStartedEvent) |
User management coverage area
Users and groups category
ベース | Personal access token created (AccessTokenCreatedEvent) Personal access token deleted (AccessTokenDeletedEvent) Personal access token changed (AccessTokenModifiedEvent) User group automatically created (AutoGroupCreatedEvent) User automatically deleted from user group (AutoGroupMembershipDeletedEvent) User automatically created (AutoUserCreatedEvent) User directory created (DirectoryCreatedEvent) User directory deleted (DirectoryDeletedEvent) GPG key added (GpgKeyCreatedEvent) GPG key deleted (GpgKeyDeletedEvent) User group created (GroupCreatedEvent) User group deleted (GroupDeletedEvent) User group updated (GroupUpdatedEvent) User deleted from user group (GroupMembershipDeletedEvent) User added to user group ((GroupMembershipsCreatedEvent) Group added to user group (GroupMembershipsCreatedEvent) User created (UserCreatedEvent) User created from directory sync (UserCreatedFromDirectorySynchronisationEvent) User password changed UserCredentialUpdatedEvent) User deleted (UserDeletedEvent) User erased (UserErasedEvent) Username changed (UserRenamedEvent) |
Advanced | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
大 | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
Permission coverage area
Permissions category
ベース | Global permission granted (GlobalPermissionGrantedEvent) Global permission requested (GlobalPermissionGrantRequestedEvent) Global permission change request (GlobalPermissionModificationRequestedEvent) Global permission changed (GlobalPermissionModifiedEvent) Global permission remove request (GlobalPermissionRevocationRequestedEvent) Global permission removed Project permission granted (ProjectPermissionGrantedEvent) Project permission requested (ProjectPermissionGrantRequestedEvent) Project permission change request (ProjectPermissionModificationRequestedEvent) Project permission changed (ProjectPermissionModifiedEvent) Project permission remove request (ProjectPermissionRevocationRequestedEvent) Project permission removed (ProjectPermissionRevokedEvent) Repository permission granted (RepositoryPermissionGrantedEvent) Repository permission requested (RepositoryPermissionGrantRequestedEvent) Repository permission change request (RepositoryPermissionModificationRequestedEvent) Repository permission changed (RepositoryPermissionModifiedEvent) Repository permission remove request (RepositoryPermissionRevocationRequestedEvent) Repository permission removed (RepositoryPermissionRevokedEvent) Repository auto-merge configuration changed (RepositoryAutoMergeConfigUpdatedEvent) |
Advanced | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
大 | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
Local configuration and administration coverage area
Projects category
ベース | Hook configuration removed (HookScriptConfigurationRemovedEvent) |
Advanced | Project pull request merge config deleted (ProjectPullRequestMergeConfigDeletedEvent) |
大 | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
Repositories category
ベース | Repository webhook created (InternalWebhookCreatedEvent) |
Advanced | Repository LFS enabled (GitLfsEnabledEvent) |
大 | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
System category
ベース | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
Advanced | SCM pull request merge config deleted (ScmPullRequestMergeConfigDeletedEvent) |
大 | 利用可能な追加イベントなし |
Security coverage area
Auditing category
ベース | Audit log search performed |
Advanced | 利用可能なイベントなし |
大 | 利用可能なイベントなし |
Authentication category
ベース | 利用可能なイベントなし |
Advanced | User login failed (AuthenticationFailureEvent) |
大 | User logged in (AuthenticationSuccessEvent) User logged in (SSH) (SshAuthenticationSuccessEvent) |
Security category
ベース | 利用可能なイベントなし |
Advanced | Unauthorized access to a resource (AuthorizationFailureEvent) |
大 | 利用可能なイベントなし |
End user activity coverage area
Repositories category
ベース | Repository accessed by user (RepositoryAccessedEvent) Run build (AnalyticsActionRunEvent) |
Advanced | Repository watcher added (RepositoryWatcherAddedEvent) |
大 | Changes read from repository (RepositoryOtherReadEvent) Repository written to (RepositoryOtherWriteEvent) Repository pulled (RepositoryPullEvent) Changes pushed to repository (RepositoryPushEvent) Git hook activity (RepositoryHookEvent) Repository cloned (RepositoryCloneEvent) |
Pull requests category
ベース | Auto merge failed (AutomaticMergeStoppedEvent) Auto merge succeeded (AutomaticMergeSucceededEvent) Pull request approved by participant (PullRequestParticipantApprovedEvent) Pull request reviewed by participant (PullRequestParticipantReviewedEvent) Pull request unapproved by participant (PullRequestParticipantUnapprovedEvent) Pull request participants changed (PullRequestParticipantsUpdatedEvent) Pull request declined (PullRequestDeclinedEvent) Pull request deleted (PullRequestDeletedEvent) Pull request merged (PullRequestMergedEvent) Pull request opened (PullRequestOpenedEvent) Pull request reopened (PullRequestReopenedEvent) Pull request reviewers changed (PullRequestReviewersUpdatedEvent) Pull request open request (PullRequestOpenRequestedEvent) |
Advanced | Pull request rebased (PullRequestRebasedEvent) |
大 | Pull request comment reply added (PullRequestCommentRepliedEvent) |
Search category
ベース | 利用可能なイベントなし |
Advanced | 利用可能なイベントなし |
大 | Repository search succeeded (RepositoriesSearchSucessfulEvent) |
Apps category
This category is for auditing events generated by third-party apps.
Bitbucket Server customers can set the configuration property
to move the following events from Full to Base level:
- Plugin container unavailable, Plugin module disabled, Plugin module enabled, Plugin module available, Plugin framework started
- User log in failed, User logged in, User logged in (SSH)
- Repository read event, Repository write event, Repository pull event, Repository push event, Git hook activity, Repository cloned
Note that adding these events to Base can significantly increase the size of the audit log.