Bitbucket Server security advisory 2016-09-21
HipChat for Bitbucket Server plugin - leaks secret key - HC-32766
Note: As of September 2014 we are no longer issuing binary bug patches, instead we create new maintenance releases for the major versions we are backporting.
アドバイザリの日付: 時 PDT (太平洋標準時、-7 時間)
- CVE-2016-6668 - リンクされている Hipchat インスタンスとの通信に使用する秘密鍵が、様々な製品用 Hipchat プラグインから漏れている
Product: Bitbucket Server and the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin for Bitbucket Server.
Affected Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin versions:
- 6.26.0 <= バージョン < 6.27.5
- 6.28.0 <= バージョン < 7.3.7
- 7.4.0 <= バージョン < 7.8.17
Affected Bitbucket Server product versions:
- 3.10.0 <= バージョン < 4.4.4
- 4.5.0 <= バージョン < 4.5.3
- 4.6.0 <= バージョン < 4.6.4
- 4.7.0 <= バージョン < 4.7.2
- 4.8.0 <= バージョン < 4.8.4
Fixed Bitbucket Server product versions:
- for 4.4.x, Bitbucket Server 4.4.4 has been released with a fix for this issue.
- for 4.5.x, Bitbucket Server 4.5.3 has been released with a fix for this issue.
- for 4.6.x, Bitbucket Server 4.6.4 has been released with a fix for this issue.
- for 4.7.x, Bitbucket Server 4.7.2 has been released with a fix for this issue.
- for 4.8.x, Bitbucket Server 4.8.4 has been released with a fix for this issue.
- for 4.9.x, Bitbucket Server 4.9.0 has been released with a fix for this issue.
This advisory discloses a critical severity security vulnerability which was introduced in version 3.10.0 of Bitbucket Server. Versions of Bitbucket Server starting with 3.10.0 before 4.4.3 (the fixed version for 4.4.x), from 4.5.0 before 4.5.3 (the fixed version for 4.5.x), 4.6.0 before 4.6.4 (the fixed version for 4.6.x), 4.7.0 before 4.7.3 (the fixed version for 4.7.x) and from 4.8.0 before 4.8.4 are affected by this vulnerability.
Customers who have upgraded Bitbucket Server to version 4.4.4 or version 4.5.3 or 4.6.4 or 4.7.2 or 4.8.4, 4.9.x are not affected.
Customers who have downloaded and installed Bitbucket Server >= 3.10.0 less than 4.4.3 (the fixed version for 4.4.x)
Customers who have downloaded and installed Bitbucket Server >= 4.5.0 less than 4.5.3 (the fixed version for 4.5.x)
Customers who have downloaded and installed Bitbucket Server >= 4.6.0 less than 4.6.4 (the fixed version for 4.6.x)
Customers who have downloaded and installed Bitbucket Server >= 4.7.0 less than 4.7.3 (the fixed version for 4.7.x)
Customers who have downloaded and installed Bitbucket Server >= 4.8.0 less than 4.8.4 (the fixed version for 4.8.x)
Please upgrade your Bitbucket Server installations immediately to fix this vulnerability.
リンクされている Hipchat インスタンスとの通信に使用する秘密鍵が、さまざまな製品用 Hipchat プラグインから漏れている (CVE-2016-6668)
Atlassian rates the severity level of this vulnerability as critical, according to the scale published in our Atlassian severity levels. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low.
This is an independent assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own IT environment.
The Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin for Bitbucket Server exposed the secret key it used to communicate with a linked HipChat service in various administration pages. For this vulnerability to affect your Bitbucket Server instance you must have a HipChat integration established. To exploit this issue, attackers must have Admin access to a Bitbucket Server. Using the secret key attackers could gain full control over a linked HipChat instance.
All versions of Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin for Bitbucket Server from 6.26.0 before 6.27.5, from 6.28.0 before 7.3.7 and from 7.4.0 before 7.8.17 are affected by this vulnerability.
All versions of Bitbucket Server from 3.10.0 before 4.4.4 (the fixed version for 4.4.x), from 4.5.0 before 4.5.3 (the fixed version for 4.5.x), 4.6.0 before 4.6.4 (the fixed version for 4.6.x), 4.7.0 before 4.7.2 (the fixed version for 4.7.x) and from 4.8.0 before 4.8.4 are affected by this vulnerability. This issue can be tracked here: BSERV-9146 - Getting issue details... STATUS
If you are unable to upgrade your Bitbucket Server, then as a temporary workaround, you can disable or uninstall the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin.
- Released Bitbucket Server version 4.4.4 that updates the bundled copy of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin to a fixed version.
- Released Bitbucket Server version 4.5.3 that updates the bundled copy of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin to a fixed version.
- Released Bitbucket Server version 4.6.4 that updates the bundled copy of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin to a fixed version.
- Released Bitbucket Server version 4.7.2 that updates the bundled copy of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin to a fixed version.
- Released Bitbucket Server version 4.8.4 that updates the bundled copy of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin to a fixed version.
- Released Bitbucket Server version 4.9.0 that updates the bundled copy of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin to a fixed version.
Upgrade (recommended)
The vulnerabilities and fix versions are described in the description section above. Atlassian recommends that you upgrade to the latest version.
Upgrade Bitbucket Server to version 4.9.0 or higher.
If you are running Bitbucket Server and cannot upgrade to Bitbucket Server 4.9.0 or higher then upgrade to one of the fixed versions listed below
- 4.4.4
- 4.5.3
- 4.6.4
- 4.7.2
- 4.8.4
If you are running Stash 3.11 then download the JARs from here and install them using the instructions for installing add-ons using UPM found at after which you must restart Stash. Version 6.27.5 (which contains a fix) of the Atlassian Hipchat Integration Plugin should be installed.
Next, follow these steps to rotate the secret key.
You need admin permissions for both Bitbucket Server and HipChat to do this:
- Log in to Bitbucket Server as a user with admin permissions and go to <your-bitbucket-server-site>/plugins/servlet/hipchat/configure
- Click Remove integration. This will sever the link and uninstall the add-on in HipChat.
- Once you land back on the HipChat Integration page, click Connect HipChat. This will re-establish the link between HipChat and Bitbucket Server with a new secret key.
For a full description of the latest version of Bitbucket Server, see the release notes. You can download the latest version of Bitbucket Server from the download centre.
この勧告に関してご質問や懸念がある場合は、 でサポート リクエストを作成してください。
セキュリティ バグの修正ポリシー | Atlassian の新しいポリシーにあるように、重大なセキュリティ バグの修正は、Jira と Confluence のメジャー ソフトウェア バージョンで最大 12 か月さかのぼってバックポートされます。新しいポリシーに挙げるバージョンについては、バイナリ パッチではなく新しいメンテナンス リリースを提供します。 Binary patches will no longer be released. |
セキュリティの問題の重大度レベル | アトラシアンのセキュリティ勧告には重大度レベルと CVE ID が含まれます。重大度レベルは、それぞれの脆弱性についてアトラシアンが独自に計算した CVSS スコアに基づきます。CVSS は業界標準の脆弱性メトリックです。CVSS の詳細を でご確認ください。 |
サポート終了ポリシー | サポート終了ポリシーは、製品によって異なります。詳細は、アトラシアンの「製品終了ポリシー」を参照してください。 |