Subversion authentication fails with 'Authentication required for'


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The most common repository error while validating Subversion repository during plan configuration is:

This is not a valid Subversion Repository: svn: Authentication required for '<http://svnhost:80; My Subversion Repository'


In all likelihood, the authentication failed due to invalid login credentials. Please double-check  your username and password and try again.

Using self signed SSL certifcates

If you are using a self signed certificate prior to Bamboo 2.1, you need to get Subversion to cache your repository connection as there is no way to instruct Bamboo to accept self-signed SSL certificates.

Linux の場合

  • Open up a command line (as the user running Bamboo) and checkout your repository before using Bamboo.

Windows の場合

  • If you are running Bamboo as a service on Windows, then consult this document to run the service as the local user
  • Login as the user running Bamboo, and checkout your repository.

Troubleshooting SVN Connection

If you are still having trouble connecting to repository:

  1. Try logging in outside of Bamboo, from the command line or from any other repository client. If this step fails, then it's likely that your repository is not configured correctly.
  2. Please consult our JIRA issue tracker for known Bamboo repository issues.
  3. If you still can't connect to Subversion, please debug Subversion and raise a support request and attach your atlassian-bamboo server logs to the support request.


最終更新日 2015 年 7 月 2 日


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