How to fetch historical data through the database for Bamboo projects, plans and deployment projects
プラットフォームについて: Cloud および Data Center - この記事はクラウドと Data Center 両方のプラットフォームに等しく適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
This article outlines how you can find the historical data for projects and plans in Bamboo.
Building SQL statements for reporting purposes is not part of the Atlassian Support scope and this work is provided "as-is", on a best-effort basis. Queries may work better or worse than expected, your mileage may vary. It is up to each customer to analyze each query individually and understand if that is enough for their specific needs.
The SQL queries are tested in the Postgres database.
You can use the below queries to find:
Total Build Projects
select count(*) from PROJECT;
Total Build plans
select count(*) from BUILD where BUILD_TYPE = 'CHAIN';
You can remove the count and just use * if you do not want to know the count of projects and plans.
Active Build plans (6 months, Successful & failed)
SELECT brs.build_key, brs.build_state, count(buildresultsummary_id), max(b.title) as build_name, max(p.title) as project_name FROM public.buildresultsummary brs left join BUILD b on brs.build_key = b.full_key left join project p on b.project_id = p.project_id where brs.build_type = 'CHAIN' and build_date > NOW()- interval '6 months' and BRS.BUILD_STATE in ('Failed','Successful') group by brs.build_key, brs.build_state;
Active Build Plans (6 months) including branches: As projects contain plans, you will need to find out which plans haven't run over a particular period of time. In case you are referring to build plans inside the project, then you can use the below SQL query to identify build plans (including plan branches) that have not been built for the last 180 days:
SELECT distinct(brs.build_key), b.title as build_name, p.title as project_name FROM public.buildresultsummary brs left join BUILD b on brs.build_key = b.full_key left join project p on b.project_id = p.project_id where brs.build_type = 'CHAIN' and build_date > NOW()- interval '6 months' ;
Number of jobs (jobs inside the build plans)
select * from BUILD B join BUILD_DEFINITION BD on BD.BUILD_ID = B.BUILD_ID where B.BUILD_TYPE = 'JOB' and B.FULL_KEY like '<PLAN_KEY>-%';
Number of builds from day 1
SELECT count(buildresultsummary_id) from buildresultsummary where build_type ='CHAIN'
Number of builds since last 6 months
select count(buildresultsummary_id) from buildresultsummary where build_type ='CHAIN' and build_date > NOW()- interval '6 months';
Total Deployment projects
Total Deployment environments
Active Deployment projects and environments (6 months)
SELECT distinct(dr.environment_id), as environment_name, de.package_definition_id, as project_name FROM public.deployment_result dr left join deployment_environment de on dr.environment_id = de.environment_id left join deployment_project dp on dp.deployment_project_id = de.package_definition_id where executed_date > NOW()- interval '6 months';
Number of deployments from day 1
SELECT count(deployment_result_id) FROM public.deployment_result dr
Number of deployments since last 6 months
SELECT count(deployment_result_id) FROM public.deployment_result dr where executed_date > NOW()- interval '6 months';
Since these queries are tested on Postgres DB, if the query fails to run due to syntax, please connect with your database team to tweak the query based on your database type.