Creating deployment projects in Bamboo Specs
Bamboo Specs can be used to create and update deployment projects.
Creating deployment projects in Bamboo Specs is similar to that of updating a plan. The main difference is the class you need to define in your Bamboo Specs code:
private Deployment createDeployment() {
return new Deployment(new PlanIdentifier("PROJECTKEY", "PLANKEY"),
"Deployment project name")
.releaseNaming(new ReleaseNaming("release-1")
.environments(new Environment("Test environment")
.tasks(new ScriptTask().inlineBody("echo Hello world!")));
Once you defined this class, instruct Bamboo Specs to publish your deployment to deployment server, just like you do with plans:
Deployment myDeployment = createDeployment();
最終更新日: 2021 年 12 月 15 日
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