This is the documentation for Clover 3.3. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

Q: I'm trying to get a coverage report mailed to the team as shown in your example, but I keep getting "[mail] Failed to send email". How do I fix this?
The Ant <mail> task depends on external libraries that are not included in the Ant distribution. You need to install the following jars in ANT_HOME/lib, both freely available from Sun:

  1. mail.jar — from the JavaMail API ([
  2. activation.jar — from the JavaBeans Activation Framework (

You should also check the details of your local SMTP server with your system administrator. It may help to specify these details directly to the <mail> task:

<mail mailhost="" mailport="25" from=""
tolist=""  subject="coverage criteria not met"
" files="coverage_summary.pdf"/>

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