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A cron-based schedule allows you to schedule builds according to a flexible cron expression. For example, "0 0/30 9-19 ? * MON-FRI" would trigger a build every half-an-hour from 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.

To specify a cron-based schedule,

  1. Click 'Home' to go to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the 'All Plans' tab.
  3. Locate the plan in the list and click this icon:
  4. The 'Configuration' tab will be displayed. Click the 'Source Repository' sub-tab.
  5. In the 'Build Strategy' field, select 'Cron Based Schedule' (see screenshot below).
  6. In the 'Cron Expression' field, type your cron expression. A cron expression  consists of 6 mandatory and one optional field. The fields in sequential order are: seconds, minutes, hours, day-of-month, month, day-of-week and (optional) year. For more information about cron expressions, please see
  7. 保存」ボタンをクリックします。

Screenshot: 'Plan Configuration--Source Repository-Build Strategy: Cron-based schedule'


Bamboo Documentation