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Triggering a build on schedule can allow a team to structure the day according to a predictable schedule. Note that scheduled builds are run regardless of whether or not any code changes have occurred. There are two ways to schedule a build:

  • Single Daily Build

    A single daily build runs at a time of your choice. This is particularly suitable for builds that take a long time to complete.

    See 3.3.1 Scheduling a Single Daily Build.
  • Cron-Based Scheduling
    A cron-based schedule allows you to schedule builds according to a flexible cron expression. For example, "0 0/30 9-19 ? * MON-FRI" would trigger a build every half-an-hour from 9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. See 3.3.2 Specifying a Cron-based Schedule.


Bamboo Documentation