This documentation relates to an earlier version of Bamboo.

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

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Bamboo Plugins Overview

A Bamboo plugin is a single JAR containing code, a plugin descriptor (XML) and usually some Freemarker template files to render HTML.

The plugin descriptor is the only mandatory part of the plugin. It must be called atlassian-plugin.xml and be located in the root of your JAR file.

Each plugin consists of one or more plugin modules. These are of different types (for example a report, or a post-build action) and each has an individual XML element describing it. Each module is described below together with the XML element required for it.

Here is a sample of the descriptor with highlighted elements:

<!-- the plugin key must be unique, think of it as the 'package' of the plugin -->
<atlassian-plugin key="com.atlassian.plugin.sample" name="Sample Plugin">
    <!-- a short block describing the plugin itself -->
        <description>This is a brief textual description of the plugin</description>
        <!-- the version of the plugin -->
        <!-- the versions of the application this plugin is for -->
        <application-version min="3.0" max="3.0"/>
        <!-- details of the plugin vendor -->
        <vendor name="Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd" url=""/>

    . . . 1 or more plugin modules . . .

Each plugin has a plugin key which is unique among all plugins (eg "com.atlassian.plugin.sample"). Semantically this equates to the package of a Java class. Each module within the plugin also has a module key which is unique within the plugin (eg "myreport"). Semantically this equates to the class name of a Java class.

The plugin key + module key are combined to make the complete key of the plugin module (combining the examples above, the complete key would be "com.atlassian.plugin.sample:myreport"). Note: a : is used to separate the plugin key from the module key.

Setting up a Bamboo Plugin Project

Refer to the Getting Started guide.

Deploy a Bamboo Plugin

Installing plugins in Bamboo is easy.

Once you have downloaded or created your plugin jar, follow these steps:

  1. Shut down Bamboo
  2. copy '$MY_COOL_PLUGIN.jar' into '.../webapp/WEB-INF/lib/'
  3. Start up Bamboo. Your plugin should be automatically installed and activated.
  4. お楽しみください!

Bamboo Plugin Module Types

The following types of plugin modules are supported by Bamboo

Module Type

Since version...





Builder Plugin Module

Add new builders to Bamboo



XWork Plugin Module

XWork actions and views bundled with the plugin. This enables building generic user interfaces.



Report Module

Defines a report of build telemetry data.



Pre Build Action Module

Prepends a custom synchronous process to the build. Occurs before the builder has run.



Build Processor Module

Append a custom synchronous process to the build. Occurs after the builder has run.



Build Complete Action Module

Add a custom asynchronous action after the build process has completed.



Post Build Index Writer Module

Writes custom build data into the index for report generation.



Index Reader Module

Reads out custom index information written by the postBuildIndexWriter from the index.



Web Item Module

Add new links to the Bamboo interface



Web Section Module

Add a new section to the Bamboo interface



Web Resource Module

Add a new resource to the Bamboo application (e.g. javascript)



Notification Condition Module

Add new notification condition



Source Repository Module

Add a custom source repository

Built-in Bamboo system plugins

A number of functions and areas within Bamboo are shipped as built in plugins. These can also be useful for plugin developers who want to know more about how to create their own plugins, as they showcase the functionality that can be built.

The system plugins are referenced from the following files (located in /WEB-INF/classes:

  • system-builder-plugin.xml - the built in builders, including Ant, Maven, and Maven 2.
  • system-clover-plugin.xml - the built in Clover analytics.
  • system-jira-plugin.xml - the built in tab view of JIRA issues in a build.
  • system-labelling-plugin.xml - the built in automatic build labeller.
  • system-reports-plugin.xml - the built reports of builds grouped by time periods under the Reports tab.
  • system-repository-plugin.xml - definition for the CVS, SVN and Perforce repositories shipped with Bamboo.
  • system-webUI-plugin.xml - the built in menu items under the Administration tab as well as the tab menu items on the View Plan page and the View Build Results page.
  • system-notifications-plugin.xml - the build in notification conditions, including all builds, failed builds, after X failed builds. 

Bamboo Documentation

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