Where does a page or blog post go when you create it, and how can you find it again? How can you find content that is most relevant to your team or project, or search for pages that cover the topic you are interested in?

Hint for space administrators: Help your team members and colleagues find important pages and other content, by adding links to the space's sidebar. See Configuring a Sidebar.

A space is an area within Confluence, containing your pages, blog posts and other content. You can think of each space as a sub-site, or mini-site, each with its own home page.

Finding pages and blog posts

These are the quickest ways to find your content:

  • Use the links in the sidebar to find your pages, blog posts, and other parts of the space. See more details below.
  • Go to the pages view for a list of pages in the space. You can see recently updated pages or browse through a hierarchical (tree) view. See Viewing All Pages in a Space.
  • Type the page name or key words into the search box at the top right of the Confluence screen. See Searching Confluence.

サイド バーの詳細

The sidebar appears on the left of every page in spaces that use the default Confluence theme. You can:

  • Choose a different type of content, or perform various operations, via the links on the sidebar.
  • Use the contextual navigation options that appear at the bottom of the sidebar, based on the type of content you are viewing.
  • Collapse or expand the sidebar.
  • Access the sidebar options via slide-out menus even when the sidebar is collapsed.
  • Configure the links that appear in the 'Shortcut links' section, if you are a space administrator.

Screenshot: Sidebar in the default theme


Section or option


Link to the space home page
This link appears next to the space logo at the top of the sidebar. It takes you to the home page for this space. Clicking on the space logo will also take you to the home page for the space.
Pages and Blog

This section can contain the links to the following locations:

  • Pages: An index of all pages in the space. See Viewing All Pages in a Space. Note that space administrators can hide the 'Pages' link.
  • Blog: An index of all blog posts in the space. See Working with Blog Posts. Note that space administrators can hide the 'Blog' link.
  • Other links added by add-ons.
スペース ショートカット
This area contains links to important pages and other locations for your project or team. Space administrators can add and remove links here. See Configuring a Sidebar.
Space Tools
The 'Advanced' option gives access to space administration and advanced operations like space exports and space watches.
Configure sidebar
The 'Configure sidebar' option is available to space administrators for setting up shortcut links, changing the space name and logo, and other configuration options. See Configuring a Sidebar.
Contextual navigation

The links in this area change, depending on the section of the space that you are viewing.

  • For pages, you will see the child pages (if any) of the current page, and a quick link to create a child page.
  • For blogs, you will see links to blog posts in the current month, and an expandable list of previous months.
  • If you are viewing the space tools option, you will see content toots, space administration, and other advanced options. Add-ons can add options here too.

Collapsing the sidebar

 Advanced users will find it useful to collapse the sidebar and gain more space on the page.

  • Grab and drag the border, or use the keyboard shortcut [ to collapse and expand the sidebar.
  • Access the sidebar options via slide-out menus even when the sidebar is collapsed.

Where does Confluence put your pages and blog posts?


新しいページを置いたスペースと同じスペース (つまり、「作成」ダイアログで選択したスペース) でページを閲覧している。現在閲覧しているページの子。

他の Confluence 画面を閲覧している。例:

  • ダッシュボードにいる。
  • スペースの「ページ」ビューにいる。
  • ブログ投稿を閲覧している。
  • スペースでページを閲覧しており、別のスペースに新しいページを追加することを選択した。
「作成」ダイアログで選択したスペースのホーム ページの子。

A blog post is part of a chronological sequence of posts, linked from the space's 'Blog' index page.

Can you change the location of a page?

Yes. See Moving a Page.

Can you change the location of a blog post?
