We are delighted that you have chosen Confluence. This guide will take you through installing Confluence and trying out the most relevant features.


1. Installing Confluence

If you have not already got Confluence up and running, carry out the following steps:

  1. Go to the Confluence download page.
  2. Windows の32-bit版 もしくは64-bit 版向けに Confluence Windows インストーラーファイルをダウンロードします。
  3. インストーラーを実行し、インストレーションディレクトリ、ホームディレクトリ、そしてポート('8090'で OK) を選択します。Confluence をサービスとしてインストールする事をお勧めします。
  4. Confluence は、インストーラーが終了後に自動的に起動します。また、インストーラーは Confluence の起動および停止に利用できる Windows「スタート」メニューショートカットを追加します。
  5. To access Confluence, go to your web browser and type this address: http://localhost:8090.
  6. The Setup Wizard will guide you through the process of setting up your Confluence server and creating an administrative user.

For more help on the technical procedures in this section, see the Confluence Installation Guide.

If you need assistance, please create a support ticket.

Download the Confluence Linux Installer (.BIN) file from the  Confluence download page, and follow the installation instructions.

The Setup Wizard will guide you through the process of setting up your Confluence server and creating an administrative user.

If you need assistance, please create a support ticket.

2. Importing existing content

The best way to spur adoption is to get some content in Confluence. It is likely that you have existing documentation stored in another wiki or in static documents. Confluence makes it easy to import your existing content so that you do not have to re-invent the wheel or start from scratch.

Refer to our documentation on Importing Content Into Confluence, for details on:

  • 他の Confluence サイトからコンテンツをインポートする
  • Importing content from other wikis.
  • Importing content from an Office document
  • Web コンテンツをインポートする
  • Importing other non-wiki content

3. Adding users

Add people so that they can collaborate quickly.

There are three ways you can get your users started in Confluence:

  1. Add users - manually add accounts for people who will create pages and blogs in your Confluence site
  2. Invite users - access an invitation link or send an email directly from Confluence to invite people to create their own account
  3. Allow users to create their own account - change the User Signup Options to allow users to create their own account.

New users are automatically added to the 'confluence-users' group. You can add them to other groups too - see Add users to groups.

You can also allow 'Anonymous' access to your confluence site and spaces - see Modify Global Permissions.

4. Configuring mail

Confluence can send notifications based on user preferences, such as when people are watching the contributions to a particular space or page. To take advantage of this feature, you will first need to tell Confluence about your SMTP server.

Mastering the basics

(info) Your users will need to access Confluence at http://<Confluence site name>:8090
(not http://localhost:8090)

5. Creating spaces, pages and blog posts

Your new Confluence site contains a 'Demonstration' space, which includes a tutorial. This will guide you through the basics of using the dashboard, creating a space, adding pages and publishing blog posts.

6. Searching Confluence

7. Subscribing to updates

Confluence のカスタマイズ

You need Confluence Administrator or space administrator permissions to do the tasks in this section. See Global Permissions Overview.

If you replace the default Confluence site logo with your organisation's logo, your Confluence site will immediately appear more familiar to visitors. Confluence will even detect the colours in your logo and change the colour scheme of the header to match!

9. Changing Confluence's colours

If you replace the default Confluence colours with your organisation's standard colours, your Confluence site will immediately appear more familiar to visitors.

See the following documentation:

10. Choosing a different theme

Depending on what you are using Confluence for, you may want to alter the theme for an individual space or for the entire site. A theme determines the look and feel of the site, including colours, styles and page layouts. For example, for a space that contains documentation, you may prefer a theme that displays a table of contents on the left and allows you to configure a page header and footer.

11. Using templates and blueprints

A template is a form that is displayed when an author creates a page. It can contain predefined content, and can also prompt the author to enter content in particular fields. You can make a template available across your entire Confluence site or just in a particular space. For example, a human resources space might have a template called 'Leave Request', or an information technology space might have a template called 'Asset Configuration'.

In addition to templates, Confluence comes with some predefined 'blueprints'. A blueprint is a template with added functionality to help you create and manage content in Confluence more efficiently. Think of a blueprint as a best practice guide, out of the box.

Want to define a template? See Adding a Template.

For information on using and customising blueprints, see Working with Blueprints.

12. Installing add-ons

There are hundreds of new features and customisations available for Confluence as add-ons. For example, many additions to Confluence's macros are available as add-ons. Take a look at our most popular add-ons for Confluence.

Important next steps

You need System Administrator permissions to do the tasks in this section. See Global Permissions Overview.

13. Connecting to an external database

Before using Confluence as a production system, you need to switch from the default HSQL database, which is provided for evaluation purposes only. Please see the documentation for details.

14. Backing up data

To back up your Confluence data, and establish processes for regular backups, please see the documentation.

We hope you have fun with Confluence

We're always happy to help. Feel free to contact us with any questions you have.