Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for earlier versions of GreenHopper is [available too].

GreenHopper enables you to create and release a new version from the far-right column of the board (in Work mode), in a single step.

(info) This page only applies to Kanban boards. If you are using a Scrum board, please see Planning a Version.


To create and release a new Version,

  1. Login to JIRA.
  2. 上部ナビゲーションバーで Agile リンクの下矢印をクリックし、表示されるドロップダウンメニューから目的のボードを選択します。
  3. Click Work.
  4. Click the Release link at the top of the Done (rightmost) column.
    (info) You will need to have the JIRA 'Project Administrator' permission in the project(s) whose issues are to be included in the version.
  5. リリース」ウィンドウが表示されます (下のスクリーンショット 1 参照)。各フィールドに次のように入力します。
    • Version name — Enter a short name for your new version. For details, see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions.
    • リリース日 (オプション) — 新しいバージョンのリリース日を入力します。既定では今日の日付になります。
    • Description (optional) — Enter a longer description for your new version. For details, see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions.
  6. Click the Release button to save your new version and mark it as 'released' throughout JIRA and GreenHopper.

スクリーンショット 1:カンバンボードからバージョンをリリース






  1. Anonymous

    Users should be able to release a version without being project administrator. This should be available via permission schemes.

  2. Hello,

    I've just tried to release a version from the Rapid View, and I still see the cards that were released... Did I miss something, do I have to add a filter to clear the Done column ?


    1. Anonymous

      That is what we've done with ours. Just add to the query "and fixVersion is EMPTY". Not ideal but works for now

    2. Anonymous

      Did you every figure this out? I've gone through the steps multiple times and the cards still show in the done column. They have a strike through, but they're still there. I thought they'd be moved out.


    3. Anonymous

      GreenHooper 5 removed the current version from "fixVersion" and inserted the new released version. GreenHooper 6 adds the new released version to "fixVersion". Is this a bug?

  3. Anonymous

    When releasing a new version in this way, it appears issues previously released get released again, although I don't see them in the "Done" column

    (am running a sub-query for "fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY")


    Any ideas anyone?

  4. I was having trouble with this but I modified the filter that the Rapid Board is using by adding

    NOT IN releasedVersions()

    So my query reads

    project = MYPROJECT AND fixVersion in (10171, 10270) AND fixVersion NOT IN releasedVersions() ORDER BY Rank ASC

    To do this you will need switch to Advanced mode when editing the filter.

    You can also use greater than or less than operators with the version ID (better than using the version name).

    Handy is the Advanced Search documentation page for fixVersion

  5. Is there any way to release single issues? An example would be an emergency bug fix that would go out independently of any other releases. You can do it if it's the only thing that's in the 'Done' pile, but if there are any other issues in there, it doesn't seem to be possible to actually release the one issue that you're going to release whilst keeping back all the other issues that you don't want to release at that time. I'm pretty sure that in the old Task Board you could do individual issue releases, but that functionality doesn't seem to be here.

    1. One option I've considered is to create another end state column after the "Done" state, perhaps "Ready for Release".  Then manually move only the items you want to release to the "Ready to Release" column.  Then do the release from that column, which will release only the issues you've moved.

  6. My Rapid Board includes a filter from 2 projects. When releasing, I'd like items from one project to be released, while the other project should stay on board (and be released in a different board by a different team).

    Is there a way to do that?

    1. Hi Lihi,

      There is no way to do this at present. When you release from the board all of the issues in the right hand column on that board will be marked as released. 

      Perhaps if you have a master board for both projects and then break out into other boards, one for each project (team in your case?), then you could release from each of those team boards and still have the rollup on the master board.

      Thank you,
      Nicholas Muldoon

      1. Anonymous

        +1 for just releasing the items that currently pass the filter.

        We have many small projects on one board to be able to see the complete picture, rather than 6 or more small boards to jump betweeen

  7. Thanks, but this is not the case I have.

    I have 2 teams, and 2 projects.

    Team A handles tickets of project 1.

    Team B handles tickets of project 1 + project 2.

    I need team A to be responsible for releasing tickets from project 1, and team B from project 2 only.

    Is there a way to limit permissions so that team B will not have permissions to release tickets from project 1?

    Any other idea?



  8. Anonymous

    Is there any way how to undo release?

  9. Anonymous

    Yes you can undo a release from the if you have project admin rights. Go to Administration->Your project->Versions and you can edit the version with the option "unrelease".

    I ended up here looking for the same thing as you after a bit of over-enthusiastic clicking!

  10. Anonymous

    I am currently evaluating JIRA with Greenhopper. If I release an issue and then reopen it, it doesn't appear kanban.

  11. I understand what releasing a version from the "Manage versions" JIRA panel does, however, I don't quite get what the same button in GreenHopper does.

    We were working on a 1.0 version of our product and our agile board was configured to show the issues of the earlies unreleased version. When we finished all the work - all but one of the cards was in the "Done" column (one was unresolved and I wanted to move it to 1.1 which was going to be our upcoming release), I pressed the "Release..." button and I was asked what the version name should be. I entered "1.0" but it complained that such version name already exists - of course, we were working on it for weeks.

    Can someone explain how should the GreenHopper release button work in this scenario? The same button in standard JIRA UI works as expected - it knows I want to release v 1.0, it asks me where to move the unresolved issues and it allows me to enter the release date.


    1. If you are working on versions that are planned in advance, you may want to use a Scrum board rather than a Kanban board.

      On a Scrum board, you can bulk-assign issues to the relevant JIRA version whenever you complete a sprint — please see Ending a Sprint.

      1. Scrum is not our process and actually, Kanban board works really well for us, even with pre-built version numbers (we use the fixVersion = earliestUnreleasedVersion() filter to show the "current" work items). The only strange thing about Kanban board is the "Release..." button where it seems that it doesn't expect that anyone would use Kanban board with predefined version numbers. Well, we do. Hopefully, this will be taken into account in some future version of GreenHopper.



        1. Yes, I think we should be able to select predefined versions.

      2. Anonymous


        You can bulk update versions in Scrum board except to exceptions:

        When you have more than one project, you can't update it.

        And when an issue is in the status of closed or fixed, you can't update the version number!

        1. You are right, you can only edit issues from one project at a time. You can still edit the version number if the issue is "Resolved" (but not if it is "Closed").

          Many thanks – I have added this info to the page.


  12. Anonymous

    I also would need a way to clear the current fix version when releasing issues. Why it isn't an option?

    We have in our rapid board fix versions which is "current issues" and when we release we give the real version (so we can find them from svn). But now issues stays on our rapid board because it has two fix versions ("current issues" and "the real version"). And we can't have the fix version as empty because people can mail issues to our JIRA and those issues have no fix version. We move those issues (when specs ready) to our current issues version and only then can developer start coding.

    Any way to clear the other fix version when releasing issues?

    1. You may like to raise a feature request at

      (An interim workaround is to manually edit and clear the FixVersion field)

  13. Anonymous

    When I click on the release button on my project board, I get a form with a fill-in field for the release name.

    When I enter the release name I get an error that the name is already in use in this project. There are 2 future versions setup. We use this for the 'fix in version(s) JIRA bug forms to track the future release the bug is expected to be resolved.

    How do I release a version and use a pre-configured (but unreleased) name? 

  14. From what I understand is that Scrum is used for fixed date releases while Kan-ban can be used for a more fluid closed date setup. For example, if you use it to do Help-desk style ticket issues, then Kan-ban allow you to move multiple issue through the process and then release on a daily, weekly monthly or whatever schedule you wish to use. 

  15. user-d81c4

    I would like to have the issues go through a transition when pressing Relase. Is that possible?

  16. I am using the Kanbahn board for handling help desk type tickets.  When we are done with thse tickets there may be nothing to "release".  How do I clear them off the board without a release?  Or at very least, I don't want to have create a release to clear them off....

  17. After a release, I still see cards that are still released.  I see people use filter like fixVersion is EMPTY.  What happen if a released issue if reopen?  The reopen issue will not be shown on the current board.

  18. Is there a way to set email notification when we set a release out?

  19. Hi everybody,

    When you release a version in a Kanban board, does that automatically trigger emails to the Users that are watching the tickets showing in the Done column? I am asking because I just created a Kanban board and I have 1000+ tickets in the "Done" column and I'd like to be sure it won't send emails to the Watchers...

    Thanks for your help!

    1. It depends on the project's and users' notification settings. If a state transition happens when you move the tickets from one column to another that may trigger emails. 

  20. Is there a way to make the release on a Kanban board to trigger a state transition e.g. Finished -> Released

  21. Hi,

    Is there a way to use an auto increment version number?

    Maybe by using a variable in the release "name" field?

    We just want version 1, 2, 3, etc. Based on the project to which the released issues depend.
