This documentation relates to an earlier version of Bamboo.

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A project is a collection of Plans. Projects enable you to easily group and identify plans which are logically related to each other. They are especially useful when generating reports across multiple Plans.


A Plan defines everything about your entire build process. Plans:

  • consist of one or more Jobs, which are organised into one or more Stages;
  • contains a single 'Default Job' in a single Stage, after creating a new Plan;
  • define default settings for what gets built by Jobs in the Plan (i.e. the 'default source repository');
  • define how the Plan's build is triggered;
  • define who will be notified of the Job's build result;
  • define who has permission to view and perform various actions on the Plan and its Jobs.


Stages group (or 'map') Jobs to individual steps within an entire Plan's build process. For example, you may have an overall Plan build process that comprises a compilation step, followed by several test steps, followed by a deployment step. You can create separate Bamboo Stages to represent each of these steps. Stages have the following characteristics:

  • A Stage may contain one or more Jobs;
  • Depending on the availability of Bamboo agents, all Jobs in a Stage can be processed in parallel;
  • Stages are processed consecutively within a Plan, one at a time;
  • All Jobs in a Stage must be built and succeed before Bamboo builds any Jobs in the next Stage. If any Job fails in a Stage, no further Stages in the Plan will be processed and the Plan's build will fail.

Each new Plan created in Bamboo contains at least one Stage (to house the Default Job) and is known as the 'Default Stage'. Stages can only be configured by Bamboo administrators.


A Job is a single build unit within a Plan. One or more Jobs can be organised into one or more Stages. A Job is made up of one or more Tasks. A Job defines:

  • what gets built (i.e. the source code repository) — this can be a custom, Job-specific source repository or the 'default source repository' of the Plan that contains this Job;
  • which agent capabilities are required for the build (based on Job-specific requirements and requirements of the Job's Tasks);
  • what Tasks make up the Job and the order in which they are executed;
  • what artifacts the Job's build will produce;
  • any labels with which the build result or build artifacts will be tagged;

Each new Plan created in Bamboo contains at least one Job known as the 'Default Job'.

Every Bamboo plan is listed on the Dashboard, from where you can:

Projects and plans can only be configured by Bamboo administrators. Please see the Bamboo Administrator's Guide for details.

Structure of a Plan


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