Documentation for JIRA 4.1. Documentation for other versions of JIRA is available too.

Different organisations use JIRA to track different kinds of issues. Depending on how your organisation is using JIRA, an issue could represent a software bug, a project task, a helpdesk ticket, a leave request form, etc.

A JIRA issue typically looks like this:

Gliffy マクロ エラー

Usage: {gliffy:name=some diagram name | [pageid=some page id] | [size=width in pixels] | [border=boolean] | [version=some diagram version]}

Diagram names may not contain the following characters: " \ / | : { < & + ? | = ; # %


  • {gliffy:name=My UML Diagram}
    Display "My UML Diagram" on the page.
  • {gliffy:name=My UML Diagram|version=2|size=800}
    Display version 2 of "My UML Diagram" on the page, at a width of 800 px.
  • {gliffy:name=My Org Chart|pageid=1234567|size=1200|border=true}
    Reference the "My Org Chart" diagram attachment on a page with the id of 1234567, and display it at a width of 1200 px with a border.

Note: Diagrams are stored as attachments to pages. If you do not specify the space key and page name, it will be assumed the diagram you are referring to is on the current page. If you wish to refer to a diagram on another page, you must specify the space key and page name that the diagram is attached to.

Your JIRA issues may look different to the above screenshot if your administrator has customised JIRA for your organisation.

The numbered fields shown in the above screenshot are:

  1. Project — the 'parent' project to which the issue belongs.
  2. Key — a unique identifier for this issue. (The characters to the left of the hyphen represent the project to which this issue belongs.)
  3. Summary — a brief one-line summary of the issue.
  4. Type — see below for a list of types.
  5. Status — the stage the issue is currently at in its lifecycle ('workflow'). See below for a list of statuses.
  6. Priority — the importance of the issue in relation to other issues. (See below for a list of priorities).
  7. Resolution — a record of the issue's resolution, if the issue has been resolved or closed. (See below for a list of resolutions).
  8. Affects Version(s) (if applicable) — project version(s) for which the issue is (or was) manifesting.
  9. Fix Version(s) (if applicable) — project version(s) in which the issue was (or will be) fixed.
  10. Component(s) (if applicable) — project component(s) to which this issue relates.
  11. Labels(s) (if applicable) — labels to which this issue relates. _(This field will only appear if the Labels plugin has been installed.)
  12. Environment (if applicable) — the hardware or software environment to which the issue relates.
  13. Description — a detailed description of the issue.
  14. Assignee — the person to whom the issue is currently assigned.
  15. Reporter — the person who entered the issue into the system.
  16. Votes — the number of votes that have been cast for this issue.
  17. Watches — the number of people who are watching this issue.
  18. Due (if applicable) — the date by which this issue is scheduled to be completed.
  19. Created — the time and date on which this issue was entered into JIRA.
  20. Updated — the time and date on which this issue was last edited.
  21. Resolved — the time and date on which this issue was resolved.

Additionally, if your administrator has enabled 'Time-Tracking', the following fields will appear below the 'Dates' section:

  • Original Estimate — the total amount of time required to resolve the issue, as estimated when the issue was created.
  • Remaining Estimate — the remaining amount of time required to resolve the issue.
  • Time Spent — the sum of all the individual work logs for this issue.
    (info) For more details on Time-Tracking, please see Logging Work on an Issue.

Some of the most important fields — 'Type', 'Priority', 'Status' and 'Resolution' — are described as follows:


JIRA can be used to track many different types of issues. The default types are listed below, but please note that your JIRA administrator may have customised this list to suit your organisation.

Bug — A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.
Improvement — An enhancement to an existing feature.
New Feature — A new feature of the product.
Task — A task that needs to be done.
Custom Issue — A custom issue type, as defined by your organisation if required.


An issue's priority indicates its relative importance. The default priorities are listed below; note that both the priorities and their meanings can be customised by your JIRA administrator to suit your organisation.

Blocker — Highest priority. Indicates that this issue takes precedence over all others.
Critical — Indicates that this issue is causing a problem and requires urgent attention.
Major — Indicates that this issue has a significant impact.
Minor — Indicates that this issue has a relatively minor impact.
Trivial — Lowest priority.


Each issue has a status, which indicates where the issue currently is in its lifecycle ('workflow'). An issue starts as being 'Open', then generally progresses to 'Resolved' and then 'Closed'; or, depending on circumstances, it may progress to other statuses. Please also note that your JIRA administrator may have customised the available statuses to suit your organisation.

Open — This issue is in the initial 'Open' state, ready for the assignee to start work on it.
In Progress — This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee.
Resolved — A Resolution has been identified or implemented, and this issue is awaiting verification by the reporter. From here, issues are either 'Reopened' or are 'Closed'.
Reopened — This issue was once 'Resolved' or 'Closed', but is now being re-examined. (For example, an issue with a Resolution of 'Cannot Reproduce' is Reopened when more information becomes available and the issue becomes reproducible). From here, issues are either marked In Progress, Resolved or Closed.
Closed — This issue is complete.


An issue can be resolved in many ways, only one of them being 'Fixed'. The default resolutions are listed below; note that your JIRA administrator may have customised these to suit your organisation.

Fixed — A fix for this issue has been implemented.
Won't Fix — This issue will not be fixed, e.g. it may no longer be relevant.
Duplicate — This issue is a duplicate of an existing issue. Note: it is recommended you create a link to the duplicated issue.
Incomplete — There is not enough information to work on this issue.
Cannot Reproduce — This issue could not be reproduced at this time, or not enough information was available to reproduce the issue. If more information becomes available, please reopen the issue.

(info) 課題が解決されると (課題の解決状況フィールドが空白ではない)、その課題へのテキスト参照はキーを取り消し線テキストで示します。