Unable to create new project, can't assign default permission scheme


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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

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*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


When creating a new project, a java.lang.NullPointerException will be thrown

  • Seems like JIRA cant assign the new project to the Default Permission Scheme

The following appears in the atlassian-jira.log

at com.atlassian.jira.projectconfig.contextproviders.ProjectPermissionContextProvider.getContextMap(ProjectPermissionContextProvider.java:85)
at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.CacheableContextProviderDecorator.initContextMap(CacheableContextProviderDecorator.java:70)
at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.CacheableContextProviderDecorator.getContextMap(CacheableContextProviderDecorator.java:46)
at com.atlassian.plugin.web.descriptors.DefaultWebPanelModuleDescriptor$ContextAwareWebPanel.getHtml(DefaultWebPanelModuleDescriptor.java:144)
at com.atlassian.jira.projectconfig.tab.WebPanelTab.getTab(WebPanelTab.java:75)
at com.atlassian.jira.projectconfig.servlet.PanelServlet.outputTab(PanelServlet.java:163)
at com.atlassian.jira.projectconfig.servlet.PanelServlet.doGet(PanelServlet.java:136)



  • A modification of the permission scheme table was done
  • The original default permission scheme is missing/deleted. Is this is missing, JIRA will encounter the nullpointerException error as it cant find the default permission scheme.

Diagnostic Steps

 select * from permissionscheme;

 select * from project where id not in (SELECT source_node_id FROM nodeassociation where sink_node_entity = 'PermissionScheme');
  • 1st query - Verify if the default permission scheme with id = 0 exist
  • 2nd query - To filter out which project has lost the permission scheme 


Missing default permission scheme.


tip/resting Created with Sketch.

Backup up your JIRA prior to below action

  1. Go to JIRA Administration , Issues > Permission Scheme
  2. Create a new permission scheme called JIRA Default Permission Scheme, with default permission setup
  3. Do not assign any project to this permission
  4. Jira を停止します。
  5. Go to database
  6. select * from permissionscheme; to find the newly created JIRA Default Permission Scheme
  7. Note the ID, will be shown as xxx in below query. Replace accordingly.

  8. update permissionscheme set ID=0 where ID=xxxx

  9. Jira を起動します。

最終更新日 2018 年 11 月 14 日


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