Reply-to a notification is added as internal comment on a Service Management ticket if the user has Jira License


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When a Jira user is acting as a Customer on a Service Management project and replies to a Jira notification, the comment is added as an internal comment.


  • Check if the user is an Agent (contains a Jira license);
  • Check if the user has "Interact with Customers" permission in the project;
  • Check if the mail handler used is Jira's Mail Handler or if the Service Management Project is using a JSM mail handler.


Service Desk interprets all comments as internal unless:
(1) they were created in the customer portal
(2) they were created in reply to the email notification by the reporter / a participant / an agent and processed by the Service Desk mail handler
(3) an agent made a comment in JIRA and selected the "respond to customer" (external) option
(4) an agent changes any comment from internal to external by editing it in JIRA
(5) they were created before an existing JIRA project was converted into a Service Desk project


Working as designed. Jira mail handler will consider the user as a "Collaborator" and add the reply-to email as internal.

In order to add the comment as public, the reply-to should be managed by the own Jira Service Management handler, instead of the Jira mail handler, thus satisfying the requirement "(2) they were created in reply to the email notification by the reporter / a participant / an agent, and processed by the Service Desk mail handler".

For this we will need to :
1) Configure the Jira Service Management to use its own email account, adding the email at the Project Settings > Email Requests. See Receiving requests by email
2) Configure the email on your Jira Service Management project at the Project Settings > Notifications. Then the incoming mail will be handled by the Service Desk.


Old notifications will still be using the previous email account so they will remain being handled by the Jira Mail handler and being added as internal.
Only new notifications will use the new email account.

最終更新日: 2024 年 2 月 21 日


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