Jira Use Cases


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


Note: Much of this content was created specifically for Jira 3.x. While most of this information remains accurate for the latest versions of Jira, some aspects may be out of date.

Jira is an issue tracking application, but its core flexibility and strengths mean that Jira can become so much more than a tool limited to a development group. Jira is incredibly adept at helping teams track and accomplish the items that need to be accomplish, which means that Jira has found great success in numerous use cases.

These Use Case guides are meant to follow the solution tour introduction and detail a bit of the details related to using Jira for a specific use case. The information here is a consolidation of what we learn from our clients as well as our internal expertise and usage of Jira.

For each of the use cases, we'll attempt to highlight:

  • Particular Jira functionality specific to the use.
  • Related plugins we are aware of.
  • Customization and tweaks.
  • ...and sometimes a Sample File to help get you started.

General & Non-Software Uses

最終更新日 2021 年 8 月 28 日


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