JIRA returns 404 Error when searching for issues


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atlassian-jira.log に次のメッセージが表示される。

2015-01-01 10:11:12,130 http-bio-8080-exec-22 ERROR captainplanet 699x958x1 1huugh0 /secure/IssueNavigator.jspa [jira.web.dispatcher.JiraWebworkActionDispatcher] Exception thrown from action 'IssueNavigator', returning 404 
WebworkConfigurationNotFoundException{class=class webwork.config.XMLActionConfiguration, message='No such view mapping', name='IssueNavigator.actionRoles.actionRoles'}


  • This issue is seen when upgrading JIRA to newer versions
  • The following may appear in the logs before the product was upgraded

    jira.plugin.state-.com.atlassian.jira.jira-issue-nav-plugin:kickass-rewrite : false 
  • The log explicitly reports the following in the Error message:



This is caused by a disabled plugin which is required for JIRA to complete searches in newer versions of the product. This may be Jira Software, if it is not installed/initialized properly, the boards will not display and a 404 error code is returned.


There are two methods to resolve this issue, either through modifying the database or using a backup file.

Database Method

データベースの変更を行う場合は 必ず事前にバックアップを取得してください。可能な場合はテスト サーバーで変更を試すことをおすすめします。

  1. 次の SQL を実行し、無効化されたプラグインがあるかどうかを確認します。

    JIRA 6.0.X and earlier
    SELECT * FROM propertyentry e JOIN propertystring s ON e.id=s.id WHERE e.property_key LIKE '%plugin.state%';
    JIRA 6.1.X onwards
    SELECT * FROM pluginstate where pluginenabled = 'false';

    If this query does not return any rows, then the resolution outlined in this document is not applicable for your JIRA instance. If there are valid rows returned, then please proceed to step number 2.

  2. Enable any plugin(s) that is disabled using the SQL query below:

    JIRA 6.0.X and earlier
    UPDATE propertystring SET propertyvalue='true' WHERE id='com.atlassian.jira.jira-issue-nav-plugin:kickass-rewrite';
    JIRA 6.1.X onwards
    DELETE from pluginstate WHERE pluginkey='com.atlassian.jira.jira-issue-nav-plugin:kickass-rewrite';

Backup Method

  1. Take an XML Backup as per: Backing Up Data.
  2. Extract the entities.xml file from your backup file.
  3. Search for jira-issue-nav-plugin inside the entities.xml file, this should return:

    <OSPropertyEntry id="32115" entityName="jira.properties" entityId="1" propertyKey="jira.plugin.state-.com.atlassian.jira.jira-issue-nav-plugin:kickass-rewrite" type="5" />
  4. Then, search for the matching "OSPropertyString" which should returned:

    <OSPropertyString id="32115" value="false" />
  5. Replace "false" with "true" and saved the file.
  6. Restore the backup into your environment.

(info) This issue has a log entry that is similar to another problem: JIRA Links Menu Errors due to Communication Breakdown

Last modified on Mar 24, 2022


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