不適切なアップグレード パスによって Insight プラグインが無効化されたことで Jira のメール通知に失敗する


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


Jira Mail notifications (for agents) are not sent when Insight plugin is disabled. This issue occurs for both "Batched" and "Non-batched" notifications.

Insight plugin will be installed as 'bundled' plugin on Jira 8.16 and later versions. If users are not using Insight plugin and Insight license key is not entered, the plugin will be automatically 'disabled' by Jira.

The following appears in the atlassian-jira.log during Jira upgrade/installation or during Jira startup.

2021-05-18 08:39:02,616+0200 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-3 ERROR      [c.r.j.p.i.services.launcher.InsightLauncher] Wrong version of Insight previously installed, you need to upgrade to the latest version of Insight 7.x.x before moving to Insight 8.x.x


Jira Service Management 4.15 or later


  • Jira Mail notifications are not received by agents (licensed users).
  • Agents can access the issue and have the Browse Projects permission, as per Permission Helper.
  • Agents should receive notifications as per the Notification helper
  • Agents are configured to receive notifications as per Notification Settings
  • Agents are not part of "Request Participants" or "Approvers" or "Organizations" (for Jira Service Management projects).
  • The issue is observed for both "Batched" and "Non-batched" notifications.

  • Jira mail notifications are not triggered:

    • There is no trace of mails in the Mail Queue (Administration ()> System > Mail Queue).

    • There is no trace of mails in Outgoing Mail logs (atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log* files).

  • Customer Notifications (for Jira Service Management projects) are working fine. 


Insight plugin was installed and used 'externally' till Jira 8.16. From Jira 8.16, Insight is available as 'bundled' plugin as Insight 8.7.x. If users had installed and used Insight plugin (trial or full version) at some point in time and stopped using it (hence not upgraded regularly), when Jira 8.16 and later versions are installed, Insight 8.7.x will be installed/overwritten.

This will cause issues as "Insight Upgrade Path" is not followed. As per Preparing for Insight Version 8.x, users need to upgrade to the latest version of Insight 7.x.x before installing the Insight 8.x plugin. However, as Insight is 'bundled' on Jira 8.16 and later versions, Insight 8.x will be installed.

In this scenario, as the correct upgrade path is not followed for Insight, the plugin will be 'disabled' automatically. Enabling the plugin manually also fails. 


  1. Confirm what is the current Insight version set in Jira's database.

    SELECT * FROM propertystring where "id" = (SELECT "id" FROM propertyentry WHERE "property_key" = 'insight_installed_version');
  2. If the value returned is older than the current version deployed (You can confirm the file version in on JIRA Home Directory/plugins/installed-plugins/insight-X.X.X.jar). Remove the value from propertystring table:

    DELETE FROM propertystring WHERE "id" = (SELECT "id" FROM propertyentry WHERE "property_key" = 'insight_installed_version');
  3. Jira を再起動します。
  4. Confirm if the record's been re-created referencing the correct version:

    SELECT * FROM propertystring where "id" = (SELECT "id" FROM propertyentry WHERE "property_key" = 'insight_installed_version');

If the issue persists, proceed:

To get the right bundle version of Assets/Insight in your Jira Service Management version, please follow the below steps:

  1. Uninstall Insight/Assets from UI
    1. Administration > Manage Apps > Insight plugin > Uninstall
  2. Uninstall Jira Service Management
    1. Administration > Versions & licenses > Jira Service Management > Click on Uninstall
       Untick "Also remove my Jira Service Management license and configuration".
      • No data will be lost
    2. Install Jira Service Management again
      • Administration > Versions & licenses > Jira Service Management > Click on Install
  3. Check if Insight/Assets is successfully enabled.
  4. If Insight/Assets is enabled, verify if notifications are triggered for agents.

By performing the above steps, we would have corrected the 'Insight Upgrade Path'. This will enable the 'bundled' Insight plugin even if it is not used.

最終更新日: 2023 年 2 月 2 日


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