Jira indexing-limits stats
Jira Data Center 8.22.2 / 9.0.0 / 8.20.12 and later
Jira Stats
Learn more about Jira Stats: Jira stats logs
In Jira 8.22.2 we've introduced Safeguards in Jira DC index. As part of the feature, we've added stats to help you gather information around the indexing of issue-related entities.
You can search for the stats in the logs by the prefix [JIRA-STATS] [INDEXING-LIMITS].
settings - configuration parameters
maxCommentsIndexed - maximum number of comments per issue that are being indexed
maxWorklogsIndexed - maximum number of worklogs per issue that are being indexed
maxChangeHistoryIndexed - maximum number of change history items per issue that are being indexed
- shouldFilterOutUnsupportedFields - if change history items should be filtered out to contain only six supported fields
indexIssueWithRelated - how many times an issue with any related entities (comments, worklogs, change history) index was triggered
indexComments - how many times a comment index was triggered
indexWorklogs - how many times a worklog index was triggered
indexChangeHistory - how many times a change history item index was triggered
indexAll - how many times an issue with all related entities (comments and worklogs and change history) index was triggered
numberOfTimesCommentsLimited - how many times issue comments reindex was limited
numberOfTimesWorklogsLimited - how many times issue worklogs reindex was limited
numberOfTimesChangeHistoryLimited - how many times issue change history items reindex was limited
topIssuesWithLimitedComments - list of top N issues that has the greatest number of comments outside of the indexing limit
topIssuesWithLimitedWorklogs - list of top N issues that has the greatest number of worklogs outside of the indexing limit
topIssuesWithLimitedChangeHistory - list of the N issues that has the greatest number of change history items outside of the indexing limit
- 設定:
- maxCommentsIndexed: default 500, can be overridden with system property: jira.safeguards.indexing.issue.comments
- maxWorklogsIndexed: default 100, can be overridden with system property: jira.safeguards.indexing.issue.worklogs
- maxChangeHistoryIndexed: default 100, can be overridden with system property: jira.safeguards.indexing.issue.changelogs
shouldFilterOutUnsupportedFields: default true, can be overridden with system property: jira.safeguards.indexing.issue.changelogs.do.not.filter.out.unsupported.fields
- set to 0 to disable indexing of a given collection of issue related entities
- set to -1 to have no limit when indexing a given collection of related entities (not recommended)
- topIssuesWith: for topN stats we have following default values:
- default topN stored items: 1000, can be overridden with system property: com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.limits.stats.max.issue.stored
- default topN printed items: 10, , can be overridden with system property: com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.limits.stats.max.issue.printed
Indexing-limits stats example:
[JIRA-STATS] [INDEXING-LIMITS] total stats: duration=PT5M0.445S, statsOverhead=n/a, data=
"settings": {
"maxCommentsIndexed": 500,
"maxWorklogsIndexed": 100,
"maxChangeHistoryIndexed": 100,
"shouldFilterOutUnsupportedFields": true
"indexIssueWithRelated": {
"value": 427
"indexComments": {
"value": 21
"indexWorklogs": {
"value": 21
"indexChangeHistory": {
"value": 427
"indexAll": {
"value": 21
"numberOfTimesCommentsLimited": {
"value": 20
"numberOfTimesWorklogsLimited": {
"value": 0
"numberOfTimesChangeHistoryLimited": {
"value": 0
"numberOfComments": {
"count": 20,
"min": 30095,
"max": 30298,
"sum": 605757,
"avg": 30287,
"distributionCounter": {
"0": 0,
"1": 0,
"10": 0,
"100": 0,
"1000": 0,
"10000": 0,
"20000": 0,
"50000": 20
"numberOfWorklogs": {
"count": 20,
"min": 0,
"max": 0,
"sum": 0,
"avg": 0,
"distributionCounter": {
"0": 20,
"1": 0,
"10": 0,
"100": 0,
"1000": 0,
"10000": 0,
"20000": 0,
"50000": 0
"numberOfChangeHistory": {
"count": 426,
"min": 0,
"max": 0,
"sum": 0,
"avg": 0,
"distributionCounter": {
"0": 426,
"1": 0,
"10": 0,
"100": 0,
"1000": 0,
"10000": 0,
"20000": 0,
"50000": 0
"topIssuesWithLimitedComments": {
"TEST-2": 20
"topIssuesWithLimitedWorklogs": {},
"topIssuesWithLimitedChangeHistory": {}