IPv6 in Jira

プラットフォームについて: Data Center - この記事は、Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品に適用されます。

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*Fisheye および Crucible は除く

Starting from Jira 7.11, we support running Jira in an IPv6 environment. We’ve taken the dual-stack approach (IPv4 + IPv6), so your IPv4 addresses will still work. In most cases there’s nothing you need to do, however there are a few limitations that you need to be aware of.

What is IPv6?

IPv6 stands for “Internet Protocol Version 6”, and is the next-generation Internet protocol designed to replace the current IPv4 protocol. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) created IPv6 standard described in RFC 8200  to accommodate the growing number of users and devices accessing the Internet. 

IPv6 addresses are 128 bits, which allows for approx. 3.4×10 38 unique IP addresses. Here’s an example of an IPv6 address:



IPv4 トラフィックを許可する必要があります。

Some parts of Jira, listed below, require IPv4. Enabling the IPv4 traffic is not mandatory, but you won't be able to use these features without it.

  • Atlassian Marketplace
  • Atlassian Cloud 製品との統合
  • ログ アナライザー
  • サポート終了の確認

Avoid using raw IPv6 addresses anywhere in the Jira configuration

We recommend that you use hostnames or domain names instead of IPv6 addresses. It's a more reliable way of configuring and accessing both Jira and other Atlassian products.

In some cases, like LDAP configuration, you'll get a validation error if you use an IPv6 address, and not a hostname or domain name.

ブラウザで IPv6 アドレスを使用しないようにします。

Rich Text Editor won’t work if you access Jira through a plain IPv6 address. It will work when you use a hostname.

Linux では Jira Data Center のキャッシュ レプリケーションの問題があります。

The cache replication tries to use the IPv4 address instead of IPv6 as an RMI endpoint, and fails if IPv4 is disabled on your system.


If your systems are IPv6 only, you can work around this issue by setting the java.rmi.server.hostname  system property to your IPv6 address. For example:

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 22 日


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