How to retrieve Insight object information from the database


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To retrieve Insight object information from the database


The queries presented in this article were written for the Postgres DB. You may need to rewrite portions of it to fit your particular database type.

Also, the queries are mostly examples and haven't been tuned for the best performance or execution plan.

To get a list of object keys of a specific object schema

The SQL query below returns all Insight objects regardless of the object schema or object type from the database with 3 columns, namely Object Key, Label and Object Type. Replace <schema_key> with the object schema key accordingly.

To view the object directly in Jira with the object key, you can use this URL directly with the Jira base URL and object key replaced accordingly: <Jira_base_URL>/secure/insight/assets/<object_key>.

For PostgreSQL
(schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" || '-' || object."ID") as "Object Key",
object."LABEL" as "Object Label",
type."NAME" as "Object Type"
from "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ" object
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_TYPE" type on object."OBJECT_TYPE_ID" = type."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_SCHEMA" schema on type."OBJECT_SCHEMA_ID" = schema."ID"
where schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" = '<schema_key>'
PostgreSQL query to get object keys from object schema with key 'BOOK' and object type 'Normes'
(schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" || '-' || object."ID") as "Object Key",
type."NAME" as "Object Type"
from "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ" object
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_TYPE" type on object."OBJECT_TYPE_ID" = type."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_SCHEMA" schema on type."OBJECT_SCHEMA_ID" = schema."ID"
where schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" = 'BOOK' and type."NAME" = 'Normes'
Object Key |LABEL|Object Type|
BOOK-401926|Two  |Normes     |
BOOK-401925|Four |Normes     |

To get a list of objects created by a specific user

The SQL query below returns all Insight objects created by a specific user. Replace <username> with the desired username.

For PostgreSQL
(schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" || '-' || object."ID") as "Object Key",
object."ID", object."LABEL", object."CREATED", "app_user"."lower_user_name" as "Creator"
from "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ" object
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_TYPE" type on object."OBJECT_TYPE_ID" = type."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_SCHEMA" schema on type."OBJECT_SCHEMA_ID" = schema."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_HIST" history on history."OBJECT_ID" = object."ID"
join "app_user" on history."ACTOR_USER_KEY" = "app_user"."user_key"
where history."TYPE" = 0 and "app_user"."lower_user_name" = '<username>'
PostgreSQL query to retrieve all objects created by user 'admin'
(schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" || '-' || object."ID") as "Object Key",
object."ID", object."LABEL", object."CREATED", "app_user"."lower_user_name" as "Creator"
from "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ" object
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_TYPE" type on object."OBJECT_TYPE_ID" = type."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_SCHEMA" schema on type."OBJECT_SCHEMA_ID" = schema."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_HIST" history on history."OBJECT_ID" = object."ID"
join "app_user" on history."ACTOR_USER_KEY" = "app_user"."user_key"
where history."TYPE" = 0 and "app_user"."lower_user_name" = '<username>'
Object Key|LABEL                                                 |CREATED                |Creator|
CVE-339954|* (openqa)                                            |2021-07-09 14:58:11.507|admin  |
CVE-339956|* (openshift_deployer)                                |2021-07-09 14:58:11.516|admin  |
CVE-339961|* (openwsman)                                         |2021-07-09 14:58:11.551|admin  |
CVE-339964|* (orangehrm)                                         |2021-07-09 14:58:11.558|admin  |
CVE-339966|* (orion_platform)                                    |2021-07-09 14:58:11.561|admin  |
CVE-339967|* (os-vif)                                            |2021-07-09 14:58:11.566|admin  |

To get a list of objects a specific user is watching

The SQL query below returns all Insight objects that a specific user is watching. Replace <username> with the desired username.

For PostgreSQL
(schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" || '-' || object."ID") as "Object Key"
from "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ" object
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_TYPE" type on object."OBJECT_TYPE_ID" = type."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_SCHEMA" schema on type."OBJECT_SCHEMA_ID" = schema."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_WATCH" watch on object."ID" = watch."OBJECT_ID"
join "app_user" on watch."USER_KEY" = watch."USER_KEY"
where "app_user"."lower_user_name" = 'admin'
PostgreSQL query to retrieve a list of objects that user 'admin' is watching
(schema."OBJECT_SCHEMA_KEY" || '-' || object."ID") as "Object Key",
from "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ" object
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_TYPE" type on object."OBJECT_TYPE_ID" = type."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_SCHEMA" schema on type."OBJECT_SCHEMA_ID" = schema."ID"
join "AO_8542F1_IFJ_OBJ_WATCH" watch on object."ID" = watch."OBJECT_ID"
join "app_user" on watch."USER_KEY" = watch."USER_KEY"
where "app_user"."lower_user_name" = 'admin'
Object Key |LABEL   |
BOOK-401925|Four    |
説明 How to retrieve Insight object information from the database
製品Insight - Asset Management

最終更新日 2024 年 4 月 19 日


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