How to order swimlanes by Epic on a Kanban or SCRUM board


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When using swimlanes in a Kanban or SCRUM board, sometimes the order in which the swimlanes appear is not desired. It is not immediately clear how the ordering works, since it's not possible to drag and drop the swimlanes themselves to re-order them. The solution below explores re-ordering for Epic swimlanes.


Kanban Board

  1. Go to the Kanban board for which you wish to re-order swimlanes by epic
  2. In the top right hand corner, click Board > Configure

  3. Navigate to the Columns menu and make sure that the Kanban backlog is enabled (by dragging a status into the Kanban backlog column on the far left), and that the Epic Panels setting is enabled, as illustrated in the screenshot below:

  4. Navigate to the Swimlanes menu and set Base Swimlanes on to Epic

  5. Go to the Kanban backlog page, click on the EPICS panel to show the list of Epics, and then re-order the Epics in the desired order. For example, in the example below, we are re-ordering the Epic "Epic 1" under "Epic 2":
  6. Go to the Kanban board page, and verify that the swimlanes are now following the Epic order:


  1. Go to the SCRUM board for which you wish to re-order swimlanes by epic
  2. In the top right hand corner, click Board > Configure

  3. Navigate to the Swimlanes menu and set Base Swimlanes on to Epic
  4. Go to the SCRUM board backlog page, click on the EPICS panel to show the list of Epics, and then re-order the Epics in the desired order. For example, in the example below, we are re-ordering the Epic "Epic 1" under "Epic 2":
  5. Navigate to the active sprint page, and verify that the swimlanes are now following the Epic order:

説明 How to order swimlanes on a Kanban or SCRUM board
製品Jira Software

最終更新日 2024 年 4 月 4 日


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