How to implement SLAs by company, organization, or client


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


You want to define SLAs for each customer separately.

Configuration Guide

Works for Jira Service Management Cloud and Server.

Jira Service Management allows you to group customers into organizations. You can use these organizations for any customer grouping you like (employee of a client group, member of an internal department...).  You can build SLA's that query against membership in an organization.

Using Jira Query Language you can build these SLA's to be as complex or as simple as you need. For example, different SLA's for Organization A - Critical priority issue vs an SLA for Organization A - Moderate priority issue.

Other options:

There may be addons on the Atlassian Marketplace such as Teams for Jira Service Management that might extend further options to grouping customers in this way.

Related Feature Request(s)

  • JSD-270 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • JRA-41352 - 課題詳細を取得中... ステータス

We invite you to vote and comment on these issues as well as watch them so that you are notified when they are updated.  Atlassian uses to help determine which features are popular or urgent enough to be added to our roadmap, so it's possible that we can address customer-requested functionality suggestions for future releases.

最終更新日 2021 年 9 月 22 日


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