How to disable extended project administration
プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
In Jira 7.3, we've extended the project administrators permission so that project administrators can now edit their projects workflow under certain conditions. In Jira 7.4, this setting can be enabled/disabled in the permission scheme. This document details how this can be done in the UI and using the REST API.
Jira 7.4.x
Jira UI (Option 1):
- Navigate to cog icon > Issues > Permission Scheme.
- Click the desired Permission Scheme link.
- Uncheck 'Extended Project Administration' to disable or check to enable.
REST API (Option 2):
Obtain the ID of the Permission Scheme you'd like to update. You can do this by navigating to cog icon > Issues > Permission Scheme and clicking on the desired scheme.
The ID is at the end of the URL (schemeId=1234). For example, the ID of the following permission scheme is 1234: http://localhost:8080/jira/secure/admin/EditPermissions!default.jspa?schemeId=1234
Use a PUT request with the following data to the URL:
Expected HTTP response code: 204 No Content
Body Content Type: "Content-Type: raw/text"
Authorization: Basic Authentication
Body Content: false (to disable), true (to enable)Example of a request in Postman:
REST API (Option 3):
- Obtain the ID of the Permission Scheme you'd like to update. You can do this by navigating to cog icon > Issues > Permission Scheme and clicking on the desired scheme.
The ID is at the end of the URL (schemeId=1234). For example, the ID of the following permission scheme is 1234: http://localhost:8080/jira/secure/admin/EditPermissions!default.jspa?schemeId=1234 Run the following CURL request:
curl -D- -u username:password -X PUT --data 'false' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' "<jira-base-url>/rest/api/2/permissionscheme/<id>/attribute/ADMINISTER_PROJECTS.extended.enabled"
Expected HTTP response code: 204 No Content