Attachment thumbnails not displaying after Jira server migration


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


After performing a migration and manually moving the JIRA home folder to import attachments:

  • The thumbnails for attachments are broken (Selection_005.png, Selection_006.png)
  • Newly created attachments have its thumbnail shown correctly (Selection_007.png)



  • Attachment folder is recently moved

Diagnostic Steps

  • Attachments exist in jira-home/data folder
  • No error thrown in logs


This is due to the thumnailable flag in the database being incorrectly set. It needs to be reset from '0' to '1' for attachments that have MIME type set to image.


Run the following SQL to update the table:

UPDATE fileattachment set thumbnailable = null where thumbnailable = 0;

When loading an issue in Jira, the value in the database is checked.  If Jira finds a NULL value:  it will load the file from disk, check its MIME type to see if the linked attachment is an image file and based on that, set the thumbnailable flag to '0' or '1' for all future requests. A value of 1 indicates that the attachment is an image and a thumbnail can be shown. A value of 0 indicates that the file is not an image and therefore a thumbnail can't be displayed. 

最終更新日 2019 年 9 月 25 日


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