After upgrading to version 2.13 or higher, the Universal Plugin Manager disappears from JIRA


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Immediately following an upgrade to the Universal Plugin Manager, the Universal Plugin Manager entirely disappears from JIRA

The following appears in the atlassian-jira.log:

Could not instantiate bean class [com.atlassian.upm.mac.HamletClientPacProxyImpl]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLInitializationException: Failure initializing default system SSL context


This is typically seen when JIRA is used with a custom Java TrustStore.

Happens at very old version of UPM from several years ago.


The Universal Plugin Manager is trying to connect to Atlassian servers to poll for existing plugin licenses to make sure you're getting the plugins you've paid for. As this is somewhat sensitive information, it uses SSL to transmit to our servers. If the SSL component cannot be called, the UPM fails to load and is not part of JIRA.


Roll the Universal Plugin Manager back to roll back the UPM to a known-good version. We have reliable reports that 2.9.3 will operate in this condition.

  1. Jira を停止します。
  2. Remove the following files: <jira-home>/plugins/installed-plugins/atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin-2.13.jar and <jira-home>/plugins/installed-plugins/plugin-license-storage-plugin-2.9.3.jar
  3. Jira を起動します。
  4. Upgrade Universal Plugin Manager to version 2.9.3




As third party integration is outside of the scope of Atlassian support, the assistance we can give with this operation is limited.

  • Address the issues that are preventing the SSL components from loading

  • Ensure that if you've defined a custom truststore using the directive, that you've also defined and as appropriate.


Last modified on Mar 30, 2016


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