Error message after upgrade/restart - Timeout exceeded waiting for service


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The Fisheye/Crucible User Interface does not load or the users are unable to log in.


One of the following error is shown on the browser page and/or in the atlassian-fisheye-YYYY-MM-DD.log file.

Stack trace - option #1

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.el.ELException:$ServiceTimeoutExceeded: 
  Timeout exceeded waiting for service -

Stack trace - option #2

ERROR [FelixDispatchQueue ] com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.container.felix.FelixOsgiContainerManager FelixOsgiContainerManager$BundleRegistration-frameworkEvent - Framework error in bundle com.atlassian.activeobjects.activeobjects-plugin
org.osgi.framework.ServiceException: Service factory exception: org.springframework.osgi.service.ServiceUnavailableException: service matching filter=[(objectClass=com.atlassian.sal.api.transaction.TransactionTemplate)] unavailable
  at org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistrationImpl.getFactoryUnchecked(
  at org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistrationImpl.getService(
Caused by: org.springframework.osgi.service.ServiceUnavailableException: service matching filter=[(objectClass=com.atlassian.sal.api.transaction.TransactionTemplate)] unavailable
Caused by: org.springframework.osgi.service.ServiceUnavailableException: service matching filter=[(objectClass=com.atlassian.sal.api.transaction.TransactionTemplate)] unavailable



There are four possible causes to this behaviour:

  1. Multiple copies of Applinks and/or SAL plugin JARs are present in the Fisheye installation. These JARs can be checked under the following directories:
    • <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/bundled/
    • <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/user/
    • <FishEye Installation Directory>/lib/
  2. The application initialises slowly and the plugin start up times-out.
  3. A corrupt plugin JAR (or more than one) and/or corrupt cache status in the installation.
  4. An unsupported version of Java has recently been installed.


According to the possible causes the following resolutions are suggested:

  1. Remove duplicate plugin JAR files
    1. Remove the multiple copies of plugin JAR files from the following directories ensuring that there is only a single copy of each JAR file inside the <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/bundled/ folder:
      1. <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/user/
      2. <FishEye Installation Directory>/lib/

      The list of JARs present inside <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/bundled/ should be:

      sal-fisheye-plugin-x.x.jar (should ideally be the same version bundled with the FishEye release)

      The list of JARs present under lib/ should be:

    2. Make sure no other directories that contain JARs were accidentally copied to incorrect locations, e.g. the following directory locations are not valid:
      1. <FISHEYE_INST>/lib
      2. <FISHEYE_INST>/var/lib

  2. Increase the plugin timeout setting

    Increase the timeout by providing the following additional JVM parameter, the following will increase the timeout to 300 seconds:


    The default plugin timeout is 60 seconds. 


  3. Remove Corrupt JAR files/JAR cache

    Check the content of the <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/config/ file to see whether there are any plugins reported to be in the "false" (disabled) state. If such entries are present as shown in the following snippet:


    1. Shutdown Fisheye

    2. Backup the file and remove all lines that are not commented
    3. Start Fisheye

    Otherwise, remove all plugins and the plugin cache:

    1. Shutdown Fisheye.
    2. Backup and delete the contents of the following folders:
      1. <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins 
      2. <FISHEYE_INST>/var/osgi-cache
    3. Start Fisheye (this will recreate the above folders minus any individually downloaded plugins).

  4. Ensure Correct Java Version Is Referenced By Fisheye/Crucible
    1. Ensure that an appropriate Java JVM is installed. See Supported Platforms for more information.
    2. Ensure that java is in the PATH, or that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and check that the correct Java is referenced in wrapper.conf if running Fisheye as a service on Windows.

  5. Delete OSGI cache by removing:
    1. FISHEYE_INST/cache/plugins/osgi-cache
    2. <FishEye Installation Directory>/cache/plugins/osgi-cache


If the problem persists, please contact Atlassian Support and attach the following information to the Support ticket:

  1. A list of the JARs in the following locations:
    1. <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/bundled/ 
    2. <FISHEYE_INST>/var/plugins/user/
    3. <FishEye Installation Directory>/lib/
  2. A Zip file of the <FISHEYE_INST>/var/log directory after:
    1. Uncommenting the following block of lines from your /log4j.xml file

      <!--<logger name="com.atlassian.plugin">-->
              <!--<level value="debug"/>-->
              <!--<appender-ref ref="debuglog" />-->
              <!--<appender-ref ref="console" />-->
    2. Restarting Fisheye.
    3. Reproducing the error.

      This will log a lot of plugin related debug messages in the log file which will hopefully provide us with enough information to deduce the cause of the problem.
最終更新日 2018 年 11 月 2 日


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