Documentation for Team Calendars 3.2 and earlier.
See the [Latest Team Calendars documentation].

Integrating your Team Calendars with your personal calendar is a great way to keep track of your team leave, travel, rosters and projects all from one place. 


  1. Select 'Subscribe' from the calendar you wish to subscribe to:
  2. If the "Add to Google Calendar" button is visible, click on it:

Note: If your server is running on https, due to Google restrictions, you will not see "Add to Google Calendar" link. If that is the case you will need to:

  1. Copy the link URL
  2. Go to Google Calendar, select "Add by URL" from the "Other Calendars" menu:
  3. Paste the Team Calendars URL into Google Calendars



Team Calendars と Google カレンダーの統合に関する既知の課題があります。これらの制限は、Google カレンダーのさまざまな課題が原因です。

  • Subscribed Team Calendars names are truncated if they have a space in the title (More information: TEAMCAL-455).
  • Google Calendar refresh times are delayed. They range from 3 hours to 24 hours. (More information: TEAMCAL-458).


Adding a calendar to Google Calendars my give you this error: "Could not fetch the url because robots.txt prevents us from crawling the url.". This means your server administrator is disallowing search engines from indexing your servers. A server administrator will need to modify your robots.txt to allow Google to index Team Calendars.  In your robots.txt file, add the following line:

User-agent: *
Allow: /rest/calendar-services/1.0/calendar/export/subcalendar/private/*
  • ラベルなし