Stash is now known as Bitbucket Server.
See the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of this page, or visit the Bitbucket Server documentation home page.

You can configure Stash to use Atlassian Crowd for user and group management, and for authentication.

Atlassian Crowd is an application security framework that handles authentication and authorisation for your web-based applications. With Crowd you can integrate multiple web applications and user directories, with support for single sign-on (SSO) and centralised identity management. See the Crowd Administration Guide.

Connect to Crowd if you want to use Crowd to manage existing users and groups in multiple directory types, or if you have users of other web-based applications.

See also this information about deleting users and groups  in Stash.

Connecting Atlassian Stash to your external directory is not sufficient to allow your users to log in to Stash. You must explicitly grant them access to Stash in the global permission screen.

We recommend that you use groups instead of invidual accounts when granting permissions.


To connect Stash to Crowd:

  1. Log in as a user with 'Admin' permission.
  2. In the Stash administration area, click User Directories (under 'Accounts').
  3. Click Add Directory and select Atlassian Crowd.
  4. Enter settings, as described below.
  5. Test and save the directory settings.
  6. Define the directory order, on the 'User Directories' screen, by clicking the blue up- and down-arrows next to each directory. The directory order has the following effects:
    • ディレクトリの順序は、ユーザーおよびグループの検索順序です。
    • ユーザーおよびグループへの変更は、アプリケーションが変更権限を持つ最初のディレクトリに対してのみ行われます。





ディレクトリ サーバーの一覧でこの Crowd サーバーを識別するのに役立つよう、わかりやすい名前にします。例:

  • Crowd Data Center
  • Example Company Crowd

サーバー URL

Crowd コンソール サーバーのWeb アドレス。例:



The name of your application, as recognized by your Crowd server. Note that you will need to define the application in Crowd too, using the Crowd administration Console. See the Crowd documentation on adding an application.

アプリケーション パスワード

The password which the application will use when it authenticates against the Crowd framework as a client. This must be the same as the password you have registered in Crowd for this application. See the Crowd documentation on adding an application.

Crowd 権限

Stash offers Read Only permissions for Crowd directories. The users, groups and memberships in Crowd directories are retrieved from Crowd and can only be modified from Crowd. You cannot modify Crowd users, groups or memberships using the Stash administration screens.

For local Stash directories, Read Only and Read/Write permissions are available.




Enable Nested Groups

入れ子グループのサポートを有効または無効にします。入れ子グループを有効にする前に、Crowd のユーザー ディレクトリで入れ子グループがサポートされているかどうかを確認します。入れ子グループが有効になっているときは、グループを別のグループのメンバーとして定義できます。グループを使用して権限を管理している場合、入れ子グループを作成して、1 つのグループからそのサブグループに権限を継承できます。

Enable Incremental Synchronizationインクリメンタル同期を有効または無効にします。ディレクトリの同期時には、前回の同期時以降の変更のみが取得されます。完全な同期はアプリケーションの再起動時に常に実行されます。

Synchronization Interval (minutes)

同期とは、アプリケーションがユーザー データの内部ストアをディレクトリ サーバ上のデータで更新するプロセスです。アプリケーションは x 分ごとにディレクトリ サーバーにリクエストを送信します。x はここで指定する数値です。既定値は60分です。

Single sign-on (SSO) with Crowd

Once the Crowd Directory has been set up, you can enable Crowd SSO integration by adding the following setting to <STASH_HOME>/
# Whether SSO support should be enabled or not. Regardless of this setting SSO authentication 
# will only be activated when a Crowd directory is configured in Stash that is configured 
# for SSO.


Please note that you will need to correctly set up the domains of the applications involved in SSO. See Crowd SSO Domain examples

In addition to this property, Crowd SSO integration can be tuned through the following properties, all set in The configuration properties and their default values are displayed below:

プロパティ説明 既定

The number of minutes to cache authentication validation in the session. If this value is set to 0, the SSO session will be validated with the Crowd server for every HTTP request.


The maximum number of HTTP connections in the connection pool for communication with the Crowd server.


The name of the proxy server used to transport SOAP traffic to the Crowd server.


The connection port of the proxy server (must be specified if a proxy host is specified).


The username used to authenticate with the proxy server (if the proxy server requires authentication).


The password used to authenticate with the proxy server (if the proxy server requires authentication).


The HTTP connection timeout (milliseconds) used for communication with the Crowd server. A value of zero indicates that there is no connection timeout.


The socket timeout in milliseconds. You may wish to override the default value if the latency to the Crowd server is high.





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