3. インポート設定を検査する


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


You can quickly view any elements of your import configuration that have been changed or are missing from the expected configuration.

To inspect your import configuration:

  1. インポート設定を開きます。

  2. Go to Settings gear, then select Inspect configuration.

Inspect configuration button in Assets import

If any element of your import is missing or has been changed, the inspection results will look similar to this:

Example of inspection results

Inspection results

In the inspection results, you might see the following statuses:

  • Changed: The data locator is named differently in your data source compared to the attribute it's mapped to. While this won't disrupt your import if the mapping is correct, we recommend investigating why these differences exist to avoid potential errors. Read about attribute mapping

  • Missing: The expected attribute mapping is missing.

If the inspection results contain any of these statuses, go to your import configuration and check what's wrong. Make sure the data you're importing is mapped to the relevant attributes


インポート設定に問題がなければ「4. インポートを有効にして同期する」に進みます。

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 31 日


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