
When using JIRA Service Desk, the comment field appears as below:

However the preferred appearance is to show Respond to Customer and Internal Comment tabs when updating a Service Desk issue as below:



This can be caused by two possibilities. Either:

  1. The Service Desk License is not Agent Based and therefore JIRA Service Desk is not presenting an Agent View
  2. The service-desk-comment-field module of the JIRA Service Desk Add-On is not enabled.



Service Desk License is not Agent Based

  • If you are using Agent Based License for JIRA Service desk, you will see a reference to Agents in the Licence information for JIRA Service Desk. To confirm this:
    1. Log into to JIRA as a System Administrator
    2. Click the Administration Cog, and go to Add-Ons
    3. Select Manage add-ons from the left-hand menu.
    4. Locate your JIRA Service Desk Add-On and expand this item to see further details.
    5. Review the License Details, for example:

    • If you are not using Agent Based license, no Agent details will be recorded, 

      For example:

Service-Desk-Comment-Field Add-on Not Enabled

  1. Log into JIRA as a System Administrator
  2. Click the Administration Cog and go to Add-Ons
  3. Select Manage add-ons from the left-hand menu.
  4. Locate your JIRA Service Desk Add-On and expand this item to see further details.
  5. Click the link that shows "X of Z modules enabled.
  6. Locate the service-desk-comment-field item in the expanded list, if this module is disabled, click the "Enable" button to enable it.


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