Error rendering macro 'redirect'

Invalid URL: "JIRAKB:(Archived) Jira Service Management not searching for Confluence Knowledge Base articles". Please provide a valid URL to redirect to.


When using the JIRA Service Desk customer portal to search for solutions on a Confluence Knowledge Base, the error below is displayed:

"Something went wrong, either your query is invalid or we cannot contact the knowledge base."

The following appears in either the catalina.out or in the atlassian-jira.log:

2014-11-28 14:09:31,804 http-bio-8311-exec-23 WARN admin 849x574x1 1oocg8x 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/servicedesk/1/servicedesk/DESK/kb/6c17237c-d9ea-3709-9238-7bf67274000c/articles [internal.feature.applink.RestResponseHandler$] Received invalid JSON response for path /rest/knowledge-base/1.0/search?type=page&where=TKS&queryString=test


This error might happen due to either of the reasons below:

  1. You are running a Confluence version 5.5.1 or earlier and facing the bug CONF-35495 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
  2. The Confluence system plugin Confluence Knowledge Base Blueprints Plugin is disabled.


原因 1 の場合

  • Upgrade Confluence to version 5.5.2 or later following the instructions on the Upgrading Confluence document.

原因 2 の場合

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