Are plans considered fiscal plans? Or individual projects?
プランはさまざまなレベルで使用できます。プランの使用には一般的なルールはないため、プランの使用方法は通常は作業方法によって異なります。プログラムごとに異なるプランを、次の四半期用に別のプランを、特定のプロジェクト セットに対してプランを作成できます。唯一のルールは、プランは論理的に分離されてリソースの可用性などのデータを共有しないことです。つまり、プロジェクトとチーム間でリソースのバランスを取る必要がある場合は、必ずデータを 1 つのプランに配置します。
What is the functional purpose of an initiative versus a release? How does it relate to Jira projects?
An initiative groups epics and stories into larger chunks of work. Initiatives typically span multiple releases, with intermediate deliveries along the way. Business initiatives will typically encompass substantial scope and investment, and will thus likely represent the level of granularity approved by and reported to top management. Initiatives don't have a direct, binding relation to Jira projects. In many cases, the epics and stories grouped to an initiative live in multiple Jira projects. In other cases, all the issues for an initiative might be in one dedicated Jira project.
In Portfolio for Jira, you can play with different scenarios before deciding to commit changes back to Jira. The total number of changes made in your scenario is indicated in an orange bubble at the top of your plan.
You can confirm changes by committing them to your Jira application, or discard them by reverting them.
課題 'x' が自分のプランに表示されません
- 対象の課題タイプで fixVersion フィールドが非表示になっていない
- there are no filters set in the portfolio plan/setup wizard that are excluding it
- 課題は解決されていないか、インポート ウィザードに表示されません。
- プラン ビューの場合は、[その他] > [オープンおよび完了済みの課題]、または [その他] > [ステータス] > [完了日] の順に移動します。
- 課題は除外されたリリースには含まれません。
- 課題がウィザードで手動で除外されなかった
Portfolio for Jira doesn't exactly "import" issues, but lets you set projects/boards/filters as an issue source so that any new issue added to those sources from Jira are automatically added to your plan.
Initiatives are still possible to use in Portfolio for Jira. However, due to the new integration functionality, Portfolio for Jira 2.0 requires you to configure new levels of hierarchy, and link the new levels to an issue type in Jira.
How do I add issues to a sprint in Jira Software?
You can assign issues to a specific sprint in Portfolio for Jira, but it requires a small amount of configuration and only works for "Board" issue sources.
I need to manage a mixture of teams that use Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall. Can I still use Portfolio for Jira?
Yes, it is possible that some teams work in Scrum mode, and others in Kanban or with traditional methodologies. Common to both modes is that the scheduling algorithm always focuses on finishing individual work items completely before starting new ones. This means that in Kanban mode, when design of a story has started, the first the implementation if it will be scheduled before starting design work on another new feature (unless of course there is sufficient capacity to do it in parallel).
Can multiple users be assigned to the same story through Portfolio for Jira?
Yes, Portfolio for Jira lets you assign multiple users to the same story. The maximum number of people that can be assigned to a single story is configurable in the settings.
Can Portfolio for Jira suggest the best teams to assign to initiatives based on the schedule?
If you don't assign a team manually, Portfolio for Jira will make an automatic assignment, and suggest the teams who can deliver the work the fastest.
計算中のリリース日内で、リリース スプリント、再発、または安定化への取り組みをどのようにモデル化しますか?
- 安定化のための作業を表す見積もりを設定した、プレースホルダーのエピックを追加します。フルタイムのスプリントに収まるようにサイズを設定できます。他の作業が完了したあとにのみキャパシティが予約されるようにするため、依存関係や最短の開始日の制約を調整する必要がある場合があります。
- 別のアプローチとして、前のリリースが終了した 2 週後に次のリリースを開始するなど、次のリリースの開始日を変更してリリース間にバッファを残します。
Any plans for sprint capacity planning? I'd like to know where my resource bottlenecks are during a two-week iteration. Jira doesn't do that natively, and as a result, I have to create a capacity plan in Excel.
Any plans for sprint capacity planning? I'd like to know where my resource bottlenecks are during a two-week iteration. JIRA doesn't do this natively, and as a result, I have to create a capacity plan in Excel.
Portfolio for Jira should be able to help you with that today. It might be a bit counter-intuitive since you work in sprints, but in order to plan exact capacities on a day to day basis you would have to switch the team to Kanban mode (in the people section, team schedule column). You could use releases to represent sprints instead. This will give you a day-to-day plan within your sprints to see how people are allocated.
Does Portfolio for Jira support exporting for reports?
現在、スコープとリリースの CSV エクスポートを利用できます。CSV をダウンロードするには、対象のレポートに移動して右側にあるエクスポート ボタンをクリックします。