Before reading the information below, please make sure that you have installed the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA, as described in the Installation Guide.
The Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA stores configuration settings at two levels in IntelliJ IDEA:
- Server connections are stored as project settings in IntelliJ IDEA. Project settings allow you to share the same server connections with other members of your project team. Additionally, if you work on more than one project, this allows you to configure different servers for each project. Project-level settings can be stored in your source control repository, so that the connector will load the settings at the same time as loading the project into IDEA.
- Other options are stored as IDE settings in IntelliJ IDEA. IDE settings allow each developer to configure their own workspace-specific settings, such as polling intervals and the behavior of notification popups.
On this page:
Configuring your JIRA Server Connections
To configure your JIRA server connection(s):
- Go to the 'Project Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following:
- Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialog, then go to the 'Project Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
- Or you can click the configuration icon on your connector window.
- Go to the 'Servers' tab.
To add a JIRA server:
- Click the plus icon on the configuration panel.
- A list of server types will appear. Select 'Add JIRA Server'.
- A form will appear. Enter the information as follows:
- 'Server Enabled' — Leave this checkbox ticked (default). If necessary, you can remove the tick to disable particular servers without deleting them. This is useful if your servers are behind a firewall and you don't have access to them.
- 'Server Name' — A description of your JIRA server.
- 'Server URL' — The address of your JIRA server.
- 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the JIRA server.
- Remember Password — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to save your password on disk. Leave the checkbox unticked if you want to be asked for a password every time you start your IDE.
If you choose to remember the password, it is stored in a Base64 encoding, so it is not really secure.
- 'Use Default Credentials' — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to use the single username and password that you have defined as your default credentials. You can set the default credentials on the 'Defaults' tab.
- If you want to use basic HTTP authentication for your JIRA server, fill out the fields in the 'Additional Configuration' section as follows:
- 'Use Basic HTTP authentication' — Tick this checkbox.
- 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the JIRA server.
- Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works.
- Click 'Apply' to save your changes and continue with server configuration, or 'OK' to save your changes and close the configuration tab.
- Click the 'Defaults' tab to set your default server (if you have defined more than one JIRA server) and default project.
- Now you can configure the JIRA options, as described below.
You can add more than one JIRA server.
Configuring your JIRA Options
- Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialog, then go to the 'IDE Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
- Define the maximum number of issues that the connector will show on each screen. At display time, if there are more issues than specified here, the connector will display a 'Get More Issues...' link allowing you to retrieve the next batch of issues from the server.
Screenshot: Configuring JIRA server connections
Screenshot: Configuring JIRA IDE options
Working with JIRA Issues in IDEA
Installation and Upgrade Guide for the IntelliJ Connector
コンテンツ ツール
I can't get this to work. Every time I hit 'Test Connection' it tells me Authentication Failed. I know I'm using the correct username and password. I can log into JIRA just fine. I'm using IDEA 12.0.1 and Atlassian Connector 3.0.9
Necropost, but if it helps anyone else - check if your access to JIRA uses a non standard port e.g.. my url was, but after login that changed to The connection only works for me if I specify the port
Perhaps you are using your email as username? try using the actual username instead.
Much of what is above is horribly outdated.
The reason it is not working is you need to enter your credentials and then click apply. Without clicking apply it won't use the credentials to connect to the server.