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We no longer recommend the use of project links with FishEye 2.9 and later. This is because application links now provide all of the functionality previously available with project links.

However, project links are retained for the following reasons:

  • Setting up project links provides a way to restrict the scope of JIRA searches, which can provide performance benefits.
  • Legacy configurations can continue to use project links without any need for changes.
  • Third-party plugins may continue to rely on project links for their functionality.


In the following example, we'll create an two-way project link between a JIRA project (project key is 'MYPROJECT') and a FishEye repository (repository key is 'MYREPO'). We assume that you have already added an application link.

To link a FishEye project to a project in another application:

  1. Go to the FishEye administration console and find the repository that you want to link from.
  2. Click the icon and choose Application Links.
  3. The instructions for adding a project link will vary depending on whether the target application has the Application Links functionality installed:
    • If the target application has Application Links:
      1. Click 'Add Link'. A dropdown menu will appear listing the applications you have already linked to.
      2. In the dropdown menu, click the application that contains the project you want to link to. For example, if you want to link to a specific JIRA project, click the JIRA site that contains that project. If you want to link to a Confluence space, click the Confluence site that contains that space.
      3. Click one of the options on the 'Authorization required' screen:
        • 'Authorize' — Click this option if you want to grant your project authorised access to the target project. The target application will open in a new window, so that you can log in and authorise access.
        • 'Skip – your access is anonymous' — Click this option if you only want to allow anonymous access to the target project.
      4. In the 'Name or Key' field, enter the name/key of the project in the remote application that you want to link to. For example, if you want to link to a JIRA project, enter the project key. If you want to link to a Confluence space, enter the space key.
      5. Click the 'Create' button to create the project link.
    • If the target application does not have Application Links:
      1. Click 'Add Link'. A dropdown menu will display listing the applications you have already linked to.
      2. In the dropdown menu, click the application that contains the project you want to link to. For example, if you want to link to a specific JIRA project, click the JIRA site that contains that project. If you want to link to a Confluence space, click the Confluence site that contains that space.
      3. In the 'Key' field, enter the name/key of the project in the remote application that you want to link to. For example, if you want to link to a JIRA project, enter the project key. If you want to link to a Confluence space, enter the space key.
      4. (optional) Enter the alias for the project in the 'Alias' field. This is the display name for the project in your administration console.
      5. Click the 'Create' button to create the project link.

If you have set up multiple project links to the same application, for example you have linked a FishEye project to multiple JIRA projects, deleting the primary link will mean that another of the links will be made the primary link.

To delete a project link:

  1. Go to the FishEye administration console and find the repository that you want to link from.
  2. Click the icon and choose Application Links.
  3. Click Delete next to the link that you want to delete.
  4. Click Confirm to delete the link.

If you have set up project links to more than one project in the same application, for example you have linked your FishEye project to two JIRA projects, then one of the project links will be marked as the primary link. All outgoing requests will be directed to the primary link.

For example, if you have a FishEye project that is linked to two JIRA projects, you can nominate the link to one of the JIRA projects as the primary link. Every time FishEye requests JIRA information, it will request it from the primary link's JIRA project. Both JIRA projects can still request information from the FishEye project.

To make a project link the primary link:

  1. Go to the FishEye administration console and find the repository that you want to link from.
  2. Click the icon and choose Application Links.
  3. Click the 'Make Primary' link in the 'Action' column for the project link that you want to make the primary link. A symbol will display in the 'Primary' column next to the link.
    Note: The 'Primary' column and 'Make Primary' link will appear only if you have set up multiple project links to the same application, for example you have linked a Confluence space to a number of JIRA projects.
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