Session Configuration
This page tells you how to set the timeout period for a session token and how to enable/disable in-memory token storage.
Session Timeout
When a successful authentication occurs, a unique token is assigned to an application or a user authenticating. Tokens are valid for the period of time specified as the 'Session Timeout' attribute.
The session timeout determines how long a session will be considered valid during any period of inactivity. This value is specified in minutes and must be greater than 0
To specify the session timeout,
- Crowd Administration Console にログインします。
- From the top navigation bar, select the Administration tab.
- Click Session Config.
The Session Config screen as shown below appears. - Type the new value into the Session Timeout field and click Update.
Require Consistent Client IP Address
(Available since Crowd 2.5.2.)
Authenticated sessions can be tied to the IP address they were created from. This means that an attempt to use that session from another machine will fail, which will force mobile clients to re-authenticate when their IP address changes.
This setting can be disabled to relax that requirement, so a session can be used from any IP address.
Changing this setting will invalidate any existing sessions, so you will be logged out after making this change.
To allow sessions to be used from any IP address:
- Log in to the Crowd Administration Console.
- From the top navigation bar, select the Administration tab.
- Click Session Config.
- Check or uncheck Require Consistent Client IP Address as required, and click Update.
Authentication Token Storage
Authentication tokens are used to validate application and user sessions. A token is stored for each active session. By default, they're kept in the Crowd database. Storing these tokens in memory can help performance, but with one significant drawback, that sessions will not be saved across Crowd restarts. If you restart Crowd, all your users will have to log in again.
In-memory token management is not available in Crowd Data Center
Switching from database to in-memory token management does not require a restart of Crowd; nor will sessions be lost or validations failed. However, if you have multiple active sessions, and therefore lots of tokens, it can take some time to copy the token information. During this time, validation requests will be queued and Crowd will appear unresponsive to client applications.
As a guide, below are some benchmarks of time it takes to switch from one form of token storage to the other. The measurements were taken on a quad-core Mac Pro, using a lightly-loaded PostgreSQL database:
Number of Tokens: | 100 | 500 | 1000 | 5000 | 10000 |
Database -> Memory | 0.1s | 0.7s | 1.2s | 4.2s | 8.2s |
Memory -> Database | 1.2s | 4.8s | 9.2s | 45s | 90s |
To switch the token storage location,
- Crowd Administration Console にログインします。
- From the top navigation bar, select the Administration tab.
- Click Session Config.
- Select one of the Authentication Token Storage options:
- Database Cache — store your tokens in the Crowd database (default). We recommend keeping this option unless performance problems require in-memory storage.
- Memory Cache — store your tokens in memory.
- Click Update.
Screenshot: 'Session Config'
In-memory cache size
The size of the in-memory token cache is defined in the crowd-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/crowd-ehcache.xml
file. The default should be acceptable for most cases. If you require more than 2048 concurrent sessions in memory you may increase the size of the '-hash-cache' caches.