This is the documentation for Clover 3.3. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

Changes in 3.1.8 for Eclipse

2012 年 11 月 13 日

This is a bugfix release which addresses bugs found in 3.1.7 and earlier versions of Clover-for-Eclipse.


1) There are several new options available in the "Window > Preferences > Clover" tab.


Clover Plugin logging output level

New "Info" level is available.

Automatically open Clover views when enabling Clover on a project

When selected (default setting), Clover will automatically open four standards views ("Coverage Explorer", "Test Run Explorer", "Test Contributions", "Clover Dashboard") in the current perspective every time Clover is being enabled on a project (e.g. by right click on a project and selecting "Clover -> Enable/Disable on"). De-selecting this option is useful when you don't use some of Clover views and don't want to have them re-appearing.

Preserve instrumented sources in temporary directory

When enabled, Clover will keep a copy of every instrumented source file in the temporary directory (in Eclipse workspace). This allows to see the exact content of file which was passed to the compiler. Use this option for troubleshooting only, i.e. when you believe that code was incorrectly instrumented. Files will not be automatically deleted, so you'd have to clean temporary directory manually. When you enable this option, the "Clover Plugin logging level" will automatically switch to "Info". After every compilation you can find a message in Error Log view about location of instrumented files, for example:

CLOVER: Instrumented sources have been preserved in <workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\Moneybags\com.cenqua.clover.core\CLOV_INSTR_SRC


2) It's possible to define source code instrumentation level in the Project Properties window > Clover > Instrumentation tab:

Note, that the same option can be accessed from Coverage Explorer by left-click on a project:

Changing to the "method level" might be useful for very large projects in case when you need to know rough coverage only. The "method level" reduces Clover instrumentation overhead and thus reduces compilation time.

3) An alpha version of the Clover-for-Android (based on Clover-for-Eclipse) is available.

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Please also see the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all bugs fixed in the Clover product.

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