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共通データの不整合を検索するために、データベース整合性チェッカーは全 JIRA データの整合性の確認を試行します。


  • プロジェクトを新しいワークフローに移行する前
  • An external program is modifying JIRA's database
  • サーバークラッシュのトラブルシューティング


For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the JIRA System Administrators global permission.

Running the Integrity Checker over Load Balancer or Proxy URL can cause HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout error as it's a long-running process. To avoid timeout errors, we recommend you run the Integrity Checker over one of the Jira servers' IP and Port and select the options below one by one.


  1. > [システム] の順に選択します。 
  2. Select Troubleshooting and Support > Integrity Checker to open the Integrity Checker page.
    The integrity checker has a number of 'integrity checks' that look for common inconsistencies in JIRA's stored data.
  3. 整合性を確認したいデータの項目を1つ以上選択して「チェック」ボタンをクリックします。
  4. After the selected checks run, the preview screen will be shown.
    The screen provides details about the existing data inconsistencies. If any inconsistencies were found, the 'Fix' button will also appear on the page. The messages in red describe inconsistencies that the check will correct if it is chosen and the 'Fix' button is clicked. Messages that appear in yellow are warnings that the check will not correct; JIRA will auto-recover from these inconsistencies when an action is taken on an issue.
    Select any inconsistencies that you would like to correct, then click the 'Fix' button.
    (info) Please Note: We strongly recommend taking a backup of your data before correcting any data inconsistencies.
  5. 不整合が検出され、その修正を選択した場合、実行されたすべての修正処置を説明するサマリ画面が表示されます。
最終更新日 2021 年 7 月 13 日


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