Skipping major versions when upgrading Jira applications

If you're upgrading from a version of Jira earlier than 7.0, you should consult the Migration hub. The release of Jira 7.0 contained functionality that affects your user management, application access and log in permissions, and your Jira installations setup, and it's very important that you understand the requirements and the implications before you upgrade. The Migration hub has all this information in one handy space.

To upgrade from early versions of Jira to newer versions, you must upgrade to Jira 4.4.5 before upgrading to a later version.

Follow these steps to skip major versions as you upgrade Jira:

  1. 準備 : 現在のバージョンから目的のアップグレードバージョンの間のすべてのメジャーバージョンのアップグレードガイドをお読みください。各バージョンの重要な変更点は、バージョン別主要アップグレードノート(英語) で確認できます。
  2. Upgrade to an interim version: Upgrade to Jira 4.4.5 following these Upgrading JIRA with a Fallback Method instructions. 
  3. Upgrade to the new version: Upgrade to the new version of Jira following these appropriate instructions. Use the table on Upgrading JIRA page to determine which method is appropriate for your environment.

Jira Software specific notes

If you plan to upgrade from Jira and Jira Agile less than 6.4.x and 6.3.5 respectively, you must upgrade to Jira Software 7.0 (we always recommend the latest bugfix release, in this case 7.0.11) before upgrading to Jira Software 7.1.

最終更新日 2018 年 11 月 28 日


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