The matrix below shows the applications that support AppLinks. The applications are listed horizontally across the top and the AppLinks versions are listed vertically on the left.


  • Application version numbers show the earliest version of the application that supports the relevant AppLinks version.
  • Version numbers in brackets, such as (3.0.1), show a future application release expected to support the relevant AppLinks version.


  • AppLinks is bundled with all application versions shown in the above table. You do not need to install AppLinks into any application.
  • You can link from an application with AppLinks to another application with a different version of AppLinks.
  • ラベルなし


  1. What does this say wrt compatible versions?  Does Confluence 3.5 work with JIRA 4.4?

  2. Anonymous

    What about older versions? 

    Application Links Installation Guide states the compat for app links 2.0, but Application Links Documentation (v2.1) has a dire warning. Application Links Documentation (v 3.0) starts with JIRA 4.3, but there's a gap from 4.0 to 4.3...

  3. Anonymous

    The stated logic of this table tries to make me believe that, since all versions of all the applications come with the correct Applinks plugin pre-installed and since all application versions with the correct pre-installed Applinks version can talk to each other without problems, there can never be a compatability issue. I have learnt from bitter experience that this is not the case. 

  4. Anonymous

    What about FishEye 2.10? It has AppLinks 3.9.0. JIRA 5.2 has AppLinks 3.10.4. Are the two AppLinks releases compatible? I cannot create app links between these two apps, which would work. The links are established I however cannot choose a repository for a project....


    JIRA 6 and Confluence 5.1 are missing from that table as well